List of things NOT to say to an alcoholic. Need to vent. Vent with me

my best mate of 30 plus years just sent me this, they just don’t get it :man_shrugging:


Well said!!!

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A friend said to me once, “You know you can always drink again if you want to. You don’t have to quit forever” - as though she was the authority on my addiction. It flew all over me b/c she had just babysat my kid so I could go to a meeting. I thought “clearly this is a problem if I am coordinating a babysitter for an AA meeting.” But, well, since you said it’s ok, I must have been mistaken. JEEEZZZ!!

That has always bothered me…thank you for letting me get that out.


I just get pissed at “why aren’t you drinking?”.

I don’t want to lie about being on meds or some other shit but really….am I actually supposed to reply with “because I’m an alcoholic”. What is the answer they’re looking for??


I was in the same spot when I was newly sober. It’s tough-you want the freedom but have to understand that only comes with time. You lied and hid your drinking for so long, you will have to rebuild your trust with every single person you love. It’ll happen, I promise! Put in the work and you won’t be treated like you are 8.

Quick story—when I was 5 months sober I side swiped my car on a bridge really close to my house. I was so distraught and I called my boyfriend crying. The first question he asked was “were you drinking?” I was soooo mad. I came on here to vent and everyone told me what I just told you above. We have all been there. Chin up, girlie and congrats on your 30 days! :gift_heart::partying_face:


Same thing here :slight_smile:
I know she does that because she worries, but it still makes me mad. Obviously, it’s not on every occasion that she asks… it’s pretty rare and nevertheless annoying.
As for the other people around me - just a few friends, I guess - they either stopped drinking or were/are not in the least heavy drinkers. So I’ve had perhaps a couple of: “Are you sure?” when I declined a drink.

My wife used to ask me that and it would piss me off! Like, I quit drinking, give me some damn credit!! Then, I would remember that the month or two that I was sober didn’t make up for the 20 years of drinking, especially since I lied about my drinking all the time.

She quit asking after about 2 years. Now, she asks “how many days?” :blush:


Unless you blacked out.

hello my name is dee.

i have 14 years sobriety. Your allowed to say or do whatever you want as long as you are willing to face the consequences of your actions. God bless hang on tight.

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Good job making it 30days! Keep it up, I hate it when someone tells me “oh you can just have one drink” in back of my mind thinking maybe i can try that BS again knowing how many times its failed before. Alot of the time i look at it as a test to see how we react, it can go south quick if we let it bother us. Or it can redefine our determination to stay on the path to recovery.


Upon finding out I don’t drink “oh… so what do you do to have fun then??” :woman_facepalming:
I do the same as you but don’t wake up with regrets and feeling shit :woman_shrugging:


“Alcohol gives me immediate and prolonged explosive diarrhoea” is the only correct answer