List of things NOT to say to an alcoholic. Need to vent. Vent with me

Went to a friend’s last night to watch the LA Dodger game, and it was kinda a BIG deal to me. Told my mom about it today, as I was excited. Her only response was “did you drink?”. For crying out loud, is there nothing else that she could have said?
I’m 48 years old, but feel 8 years old. Of course, I did NOT drink. She knows he does, that’s his business and I can only lead by example. If I want to drink there alcohol at stores walking distance in every direction.
Nothing will get me craving alcohol quicker than being treated like an 8 yr old that had their favorite toy taken away (my booze).
30 DAYS SOBER TODAY MOM!!! That was my response.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Anything that is annoying to others with this respect? Need a place to vent?


I’m sure your mom is just worried about you, I’m sure she’s grateful that you’re quitting and she’s probably fearful that you’ll start again. We’re edgy in early sobriety. Congrats on 30 days btw, that’s a fantastic start!

The only thing i will really add to the list is someone saying “come on you can just have one”.


Congrats on your 30 days!

I have one friend that says “You still doing that ‘not drinking’ thing?” every time I see them.

It drives me insane. I always say something along the lines of “yeah, I don’t drink anymore” but the same question always pops up every time :roll_eyes:

I’ve learned from this community that people who haven’t been through it just can’t understand.


My personal peeve: “One drink ain’t going to hurt you.”

Dude, if I could stop at one, I wouldn’t be be a f$#@ing alcoholic! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Ohh yeah. That’s a huge one.

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Thats true. It just rubbed me wrong. I am probably edgy, but my edgy-ness was way worse when hungover. Lol


My response is, “it will only take one drink for me to blackout and you don’t want to be around if that happens!”


Right. 1 = 15 for me, easy!

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“you’re not an alcoholic, you’re just a party pooper”


Goes hand-in-hand with the assumption that you’re no longer fun if you don’t drink.

Fuck that. You’re lame if you need it that bad to have fun.


Yep. Get it all the time. “You’re still not drinking?!” …. in the eye roll tone of “what’s wrong with you.”


I have gotten, “What happened? Did you get a DUI?” As if that would be the ONLY reason to not drink.


Hate to say it, but part of the course. Know I spent years building expectations I wasn’t gonna be there. For some it can take months or years to earn that trust again.

Is it their business? Not really. On the flip side, least they care enough to ask if we’re sober. Better than loved ones encouraging us to pick back up! But not by much. :joy:

Either way, congrats on your 30 days! Stuff like this don’t make it easy, so glad you’re still here. :pray:


Yeah, this is more annoying to me. I only had a couple friends like that. We don’t hang out anymore.

No hard feelings, just realized we found different ideas of fun!


Exactly. I don’t like the idea of vilifying people who still drink and then feeling victimized when people say we aren’t fun for not drinking. I have friends who drink and friends who don’t drink. I’ve lost friends who still drink and I’ve lost friends who are sober.

If someone thinks I’m not fun because I don’t drink anymore then maybe it’s true :man_shrugging:t2:. Maybe the fun we had together was through drinking? It shouldn’t be a knock on them if they feel that way.

People who still drink is not my problem. Hell alcohol isn’t even the problem. My relationship with alcohol is the problem.


Agreed. I’ve also noticed some people get very defensive when they find out that I don’t drink. I make it a point to never bring up my sobriety because I know that people will get weird about it more often than not, but if people ask I’m happy to talk about it.

I frequently have friends ask if I want a drink or ask if I’m still sober and when I say yes, their immediate response is something like “well I only drink X amount of times a week”. It makes me feel bad because I don’t want them to think it’s a competition. But they just don’t understand when I say that I’m truly doing it for myself.


Honestly when I hear stuff like that, I’m more concerned for them than myself (“yeah, I used to keep score too…”).

That’s just me projecting my issues on them though, and none of my business!


Yeah that’s exactly where my mind goes as well, I feel like anyone who is that defensive probably has a drinking problem. I say that because that’s exactly how I was when I knew I had a problem but couldn’t stop myself.

I always just smile and nod and change the topic so they can relax.


What I have heard a lot: “Oh, come on, you can just have one!”
“Just this once”

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My all time favorite is “Oh, you don’t remember because you were drunk”
Really? I don’t think so.