Little Blip! šŸ˜­

Urggh! Monday morning reset! :weary: its really not worth it - sat & chilled last night with a few beers after work obviously couldnt stop at a few & done ma usual - now im about to head to work with a banging sore head! :sob: HELP!!


Help yourself and learn from this experience Cindy. We canā€™t have just a few. It always ends like this. Thatā€™s why weā€™re sober and thatā€™s why weā€™re here. Thanks for sharing. On we go. One day at a time for all of us. Hugs.


You are absolutely right, it is NOT a worth it! How many times did I repeat that very same lesson! I had to find more tools to make substantive changes and you will too!


Thanks so much - what did you do to change? Im going to stay more focused within this group.

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Weā€™ve all been there; the difference is within you - listening to yourself when you think ā€œthis isnā€™t where I want to be!ā€ Giving into the temptation is the ā€œcomfortableā€ option; when you feel it, weā€™re here - as are your journal entries to remind yourself of what you are seeking to change!

Iā€™ve had to remind myself constantly - no matter how good I think that glass of wine will be, nothing is better than waking up to a clear head, sense of well being, and ability to truly be me - my best me.

You can do it!! We can help :slight_smile:


Help? Dont dwell, just reset, move onā€¦and be honest with yourselfā€¦this app/community will always supportā€¦being ernest will help you bestā€¦be well on your journey.


Joining TS was the boost I needed. I just kept trying to do this on my own, and it never really stuck. The advice and support here is tremendous. Being accountable with the daily check in thread has been invaluable. I come here daily, twice a day at least. Hope this helps. You donā€™t have to do this alone!


How we doing Cindy?