Living this site is awesome knowing I'm not alone


:raising_hand_woman: welcome to the community

Thanks it means alot

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Alot of us check in daily on this thread come over and say hi when your ready :slightly_smiling_face:
This community is full of such supportive people its great you have joined us

I will for sure how long have you been on here and do you get on daily

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A year for me now, almost daily yes.
I couldn’t of stayed a year sober without the support from everyone here.
Especially when things are tough and all i want to do is use and drink i come here and tell everyone and the support just floods in, so for you when things get hard know we are here for you :slightly_smiling_face: your not alone.
We like to hear the good stuff too take a good read around and you will see how being here can play a major role in all of our sobrietys.


I’ll for sure do that just reading everyones story’s is inspiring I’ve been sober for a little over a year and had I thought to look for a forum sooner it would have made it a lot easier

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Congratulations on being sober for over a year thats amazing to read !!

Thanks yea I overdosed on heroin and norcan wouldn’t bring me back so I aspirated and had a heart attack, stroke and anomia and God brought me back


Im so glad your okay and you have this second chance :hugs:
That must have been really scary.

Welcome to TS community Ross!
It is so helpful to hang out here…
I wouldn’t have made it so far this time
without TS! I am doing a daily checkin and reading storries from others, being inspired, getting feedback or warming words if needed, spending same, just enjoying other threads like Yoga or Foodies united. :black_heart::sunglasses:

Or sometimes just spitting out my feelings, feeling relieved and knowing I am not alone.


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Yeah it really was but at the same time I new that part of my life was over it’s crazy I was just so surprised I was a live I was in the hospital 3 weeks then to rehab for a month


You have come so far i know we dont know eachother but i am so proud of you :hugs:
Your experience will inspire so many here, the strength to come back from what happened to you mentally and physically is pure strength.
When i think back to all the situations i got into i feel so lucky i had this chance to change.

I have found over the years when im doing well in sobriety and i think im doing okay thats when im actually most vulnerable.

Thanks and that’s what I’ve been trying to do is let people know it’s never to late to get sobriety the other day at the vape shop I shared my testimony with this lady she was so cool she was sober 2 years then get soon died so she relapsed and she’s back sober again for when looney this time it’s crazy I usually don’t have much to say to people recovery gets brought up

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I’m proud of you to

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Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Welcome Ross, you came already a long way. Good to see you here. :pray:

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Thanks I’m glad to be here how’s your day going so far

So glad you’re here!!! Proud of you.

I’d love to hear your life story I bet it’s super interesting!