Checking in daily to maintain focus #49

I struggle with friends in real life also. I have one friend. And a few coworkers who i am friendly with…but i have a whole slew of (new) friends here.

With that being said. Do you have plans for Halloween? I am taking my kids trick or treating tomorrow after work. :jack_o_lantern::relaxed:


Day 23.

So I tried to get buy tires last night after discovering a flat on my car. All the tire places were closed. So I went into Walmart this morning, and was told that they don’t carry my size. I’ll have to special order them. I called around. It turned out that none of the shops near me carried them. So I gave up. My wife and I had a Halloween gig to work on this afternoon. So I had to prepare for that. But when I got home, I checked around and found that I kept 2 old used tires to my car. Not sure if they would work, I took the one with the best tread and put it on. And it worked beautifully! … for 1 hour.

So after our gig, I put some more air in it and got some slime hoping it would reduce the leak. I’ll keep you informed. Meanwhile, I’m planning to buy 4 new tires from Amazon or eBay.


Day 34. It struck me today that not drinking is not my end goal. Something resembling happiness is the goal. Not drinking is how I get there.


This is very true. My life if full of joy with sprinkles of happy days.


thank you❤️

I am really happy for you that you still feel your feelings at your age. I mean feeling my feelings is what it’s about in a first step for me. Then the next big part: dealing with them appropriately somehow.
They are there and they want to tell you something. We have to listen instead of scolding ourselves.

I am glad you are here Charlie :upside_down_face:


Wow today this is something i needed to hear, thank you !!
So true and the way you writ it struck me like a light bulb being switched on i needed to hear this.

Congratulations on your 34 days :slightly_smiling_face:


Congratulations on your 100 days :hugs::grin:
Your doing so well im so glad your here with us have a lovely day :purple_heart:

@SadMemeQueen Wow you have so many hidden talents im so glad to see you trying new things. Your very creative :slightly_smiling_face:

@Butterflymoonwoman Your dream catcher is amazing, you make them really fast ? And so pretty.

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This is wonderful! These colors…
Please post more of your creative output if you want… As a very visual person, watching beautiful things makes me so happy :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:
You just inspired me to create a new vision board these days :grinning::heart_eyes:


I knew it! You did an extraordinary dreamcatcher again! :wink:

The teacher is going to love it.

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I use also the Huawei watch for hiking. I got a little nervous breakdown as I finished my trail yesterday and the watch couldn’t connect to the app. I think this was because of the time change. Luckily it worked after a while, without resetting the clock.


that means a lot, I definitely plan to post more❤️


Yes, madam. Welcome to the triple digits! Nicely done!


Day #69

Good Morning all :slightly_smiling_face: Happy Monday, and here’s to the start of a new week!

Yesterday really took it out of me with the extra hour here in the UK; I just felt tired and ended up asleep by about 10pm. Nevertheless, I’ve woken this morning and I’m feeling a bit better. Normally I’d go on a Halloween themed trail here at the Alnwick Gardens around Halloween, but there’s been nothing advertised for this year which is a shame. I don’t have any major plans for the day ahead, so I might just relax and get ready for heading back to work tomorrow.

Went out yesterday to buy one of the Sunday newspapers, and I stopped off at a micro-pub and had myself a Pepsi on the way home. It was busy, but there was a local folk band playing. Everybody seemed really into the music, and it felt very relaxed and welcoming. I had my Pepsi and left after an hour or so, but I actually really enjoyed listening to the band play :slightly_smiling_face: Wouldn’t have considered it to be my genre of music, but there was quite a lot of original songs which was nice.

I am becoming more comfortable about being in social situations where there are potential triggers. I know that I won’t drink, but it’s nice to be able to occasionally go and interact with others in a relaxed environment. At first, when I first began my sobriety journey, I locked myself away, but it was severely having an impact on my mood. Since I’ve been able to be a bit more “free”, I’ve been able to enjoy myself again, albeit by not consuming alcohol.

Christmas will no doubt be difficult for me. I’ve always drank for as many years as I can remember during the holidays, but I’m trying to plan ahead and prepare myself. I’m determined that I will be ok, and that I will have a perfectly normal and enjoyable festive season without alcohol.

Have a great day everybody - ODAAT.


Checking in on day 187 af.
Im spent, cant keep my eyes open. Trick or treating tomorrow. Much love yall!


Coffee. My holiday is here. Yay! Looks like a beautiful day, I’l go out and do a little hike. Haven’t done one forever. Been so busy with work and study and therapy I had no energy left for anything else. I won’t wander too far and stay close-ish to public transport as I’m not sure how my ankle will hold up. But I really feel like it. Sober and clean.

Have as goods a day as you can all friends. Make it sober and clean. It’s why we’re here. Love from Amsterdam.

@Juli1 Huge congrats on reaching triple digits!
@KarenKW I hope you’re OK friend. Thinking of you.


Those look beautiful :heart_eyes:
I got an iPad too with Procreate but all those options overwhelmed me :disappointed: Now it’s laying near my computer all dusty and lonely :joy:
Seems I need a good tutorial too to get started.


Day 30 :partying_face:
I don’t know why this number makes me so happy, feels like a big milestone for me :slightly_smiling_face:
Today and tomorrow I don’t have to work, usually I would’ve got drunk and sleep the whole long weekend without doing anything for me.
I got an invitation for a Halloween party tonight but I’ll stay at home. Too early to be around drunk folks. It’s not that I’m afraid about me drinking, it’s everything else. Loud, drunk people, the toilets (I won’t explain that, girls know), the air, not enough space, guys that only talk to me because they want the phone number of my friend…
So I’ll stay at home.
Maybe a good day to FINALLY watch a tutorial about how tf to use Procreate :sweat_smile:
Have a beautiful sober day friends :kissing_heart:




Congratulations 30 days is amazing!!

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