Living With Drinking Dreams

I haven’t had a drink for almost 7 months now and am happy with my life in general. The only issue I have is drinking dreams, I have them all the time! I even wake up with a dry mouth sometimes like I used to pretty much every day. They are very real.
I know it’s a thing with lots of people who stop drinking but it just seems weird that my brain is thinking about it albeit when I’m unconscious!I can’t pretend that I don’t consciously think about having a drink because I do but I always think about my last binge and how horrible I felt afterwards. I honestly thought I was going to die. I behaved really embarrassingly in my local shop too and that caused me a lot of shame so I have lots of reasons not to drink again.
Life is good though and I love being sober, I can actually live now without wondering what horrors the next binge will bring or if I will survive it.

Anyway, I wish these dreams would stop!


Oh my gosh! I’m only on day 6 and I had my first drinking dream last night.

I didn’t even know such things existed.

Anyway you’ve got a good strategy. Focus on how rotten you always felt after a big night on the sauce.

That and how awesome you must feel 7 months sober: clear head, full of life and energy… :wink:

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Like every other part of recovery just embrace it, what a wonderful life to finally have the power to not drink in our waking life.
Last night I dreamt I had to go pick up a dead body and put it in my car but couldn’t bc my mate got arrested for not paying his taxes. Now if anyone out there can explain that then good luck but it makes as much sense as your drinking dream, it didn’t happen.

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They will eventually become fewer and farther between.

Just curious, are you working a program of sobriety or are you “not drinking”. No judgement or criticism, but I do wonder if dreams fade sooner if you work on the reasons why you were drinking. I still have dreams occasionally but they are more about the emotions around choosing to drink rather than the actions of drinking.



I welcome those i really do, yes theyre freaky and upsetting but boy when u wake up and realise you really are still sober i find it empowering

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It’s normal to have these drinking dreams despite how distressing they can be. I still have them from time to time and I am 3 years sober. Someone once told me to just be thankful that its a dream and to use the dream as a reminder of how far you have came.


The dreams do fade away I’m going on 8 months without any form of alcohol and I can say I had about 4-5 drinking dreams and the first one scared the living shit out of me and when I woke from it I was so great full that it was just a dream. But my honest opinion is that I feel you didn’t fully let go of your addiction. Because when you let fully let go something will replace that bad habit. Your not trying to move on and leave it in the past if your still dreaming about that. Even if your 3yrs clean you have to understand you will never ever be able to just enjoy 1 drink NEVER. So let go of all attachments to that nasty addiction

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I would give your mate a call and check your boot :slight_smile:

I’m well aware it didn’t happen, I was just putting out there how it makes me feel.
I’m not sure about embracing it but agree it’s just another part of recovery and boy am I grateful when I wake up sober!

Not sure I asked for or agree with your opinion of my recovery actually.
You don’t know what I have let go of or not so please don’t judge.

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Brilliant advice and it does remind me of how awful it was. Thank you for your input.

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I understand what you mean. I ‘stopped drinking’ for 6 years once but never really accepted I had stopped.
This time feels different and I occasionally pop into a meeting - it’s not AA though, I didn’t get on with that ‘program’ :- :face_with_spiral_eyes:


Sorry I didn’t mean to judge it’s just when you said you going on 7 months I kinda felt like we’re on the same boat. And I don’t want you jumping over board. Just a little tough love

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You’re not alone! A lot of us have drinking dreams. I just hit 3 years and I have them much less frequently but they still happen every once in a while. Don’t worry, it is normal and they will become less common.

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I hear y’a. I went to AA meetings in the beginning but never did a sponsor or the steps. My recovery “program” was a LOT of looking inward to figure out perhaps why I drank and couldn’t stop. I read so much, I meditated on my childhood, looked at my relationships etc etc etc. So while I never did anything formal I’ve never felt like I just “stopped drinking”. I tried that for years and it never worked.

Anyways, I only thought that perhaps not really investigating your history with alcohol might keep it in your brain, maybe subconsciously, so that it comes out in your sleep.


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