Living Without adictions

Today is my 2nd week without cigarettes. I’m really happy for me. Was hard the first days… Bad humor and my neurotic and toxic personality jejejeje without my substance.

Has been more than 10,400 days since I joined a group, and the cigarette was the only physical addition I had left.

Two weeks ago, I realized that I couldn’t talk to them and look them in the eyes and said: “Live your life sober”.

To carry the message to others, sobriety must be totally visible. Maybe I am wrong in my point of view, but I just wanted to share with you: my joy for leaving an addiction that plagued me for 36 years.

Just for today, if you want, you can.

Greetings to all.


Wow. Congratulations. I wnt tht so bd


Well done Carlos!! :clap: It is such a different and rewarding life without such addictions. Your lungs and pocket book will thank you. :blush:

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Congrats on two weeks, must’ve been a challenge after 36 years! I totally get what you mean. I had people in meetings who wanted to help me with their shares and experiences, but still insisted on the smoke break, which made me question, if I want to take advice from them.

I don’t mean to judge, the advice of these people was still good and a lot of my friends smoke. But smoking doesn’t feel right in the context of living a life free from addiction. But then again, I didn’t tell these people what my opinion was because I mostly had way less clean time and didn’t go to meetings to criticize others but to learn for myself. All in all, way more people die of cigarettes than alcohol, so it’s a problem not to ignore.


Hi Sassy, is correct! my pockets congrats me for this jajajaja, but it’s real, the life change to much. Just for day living without adictions. Regards


Thank you for Ur words. Today I am convinced that you cannot talk about sobriety (at least physically), if you are using a substance to escape. And yes, I had to use the 12 steps, 12 traditions, 12 concepts, all books in AA and NA, all axioms, the serenity prayer, the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi, sponsor me every day (which by the way my sponsor only laughed at my madness the first three days)… I had to grab onto everything I could to face my cigarette addiction. I absolutely agree how it destroys lives, perhaps even more than alcoholism. Today I feel very grateful because today I am one day soberer without smoking.


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I just googled the numbers and it’s heavy : 1.18 billion people smoke on the whole earth, and 7 million people die each year from smoking (8 million if you count second hand smoke)

Now alcohol is consumed way more: 2 billion people drink globally, and it kills 3 million people each year.

So even though about double the amount of people drink, smoking kills way more people. I didn’t knew these numbers until just know so I’m a bit surprised, to be honest , I thought alcohol was deadlier. So damn, you’re doing the right think keep it going! :smiley:

What is your opinion on sugar and sweets? Because when I’m sober even for weeks or months I seem to have unhealthy eating habits. I still feel sober but it’s still this substance (sugar and fats and salt in combination) that I have a hard time staying away from. And I’ve read 11 million people die each year of poor eating habits :grimacing: okay maybe I did too much googling, enough for today :joy::joy:

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Sugar… is the most and powerful substance adictive jajajaja.

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