Loneliness at the beginning of recovery

Hey guys
I’m really struggling with the Loneliness of recovery as my whole life revolved around my addiction, so I’ve had to cut off all my “friends” and most of my family as they are active users… I’ve been attending NA meetings but I have trouble reaching out to meet new people because I’m so God damn ashamed of myself and I don’t trust anyone plus In my mind I think no one would want to be my friend… I don’t even know… but I don’t know How much longer I can keep this up with literally no one…
Sorry if I’m just sulking


say exactly that at your next na meeting you’ll be surprised how many people felt or feel the same.
I hated early recovery bc I was either doing really well and no one cared or I was really hurting and no one got me.
I had to start to care less about what other people thought of me and begin to get open and honest with the only people who could help me. Other addicts and alcoholics. The more I shared the more I realised I wasn’t the only one, I wasn’t different or the special one the exception to the rule, I was just another bloke trying to stay sober so might as well do what the sober people are doing.