Long time no see but still here

Good morning everyone, it has been a long time since I spoke to me. Because of the whole situation regarding covid 19, everyone is upset too. But meanwhile I have my focus on my life without drugs. This for almost 3 and a half years. I was also told that during my 5-year check-up for cervical cancer, that troubled cells had been found who needed to be examined. My loving mother died of cervical cancer, among other things. So you understand that the shock was quite there. Fortunately, nothing was found at all, the restless ones were a virus that women can suffer from more often and often occurs during the menopause. Was very afraid that something would come out but luckily not. Despite this stress, I never thought about drugs. No because then I was further from home.
I want to encourage everyone in these difficult times and say that you have to trust in your own abilities and that you will get a long way. I would also like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Thank you for writing this…
Its actually made me book in for a check up.

And 3 1/2 years just wow


So nice to hear from you!! And I am glad you are well and sober!

1st & foremost congratulations on 3.5 years. So happy to hear of your check up results. I am a cervical cancer survivor and kudos to anyone else kicking it’s ass to the curb.


Thank you my dear, how are you doing now, wish you all good :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:

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Yes it’s terrible when you hear those words, but for now everything is good. How are you doing this lonely times,

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All good here!!

I think that is pretty amazing, that you were able to successfully deal with all that stress and worry and not have any cravings. I wish I could say the same!

Merry xmas to you too :christmas_tree:

Much better today. Thanks for asking

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