Longest streak and feeling great

Doing well and got past the cravings. There are times I would like maybe a beer but I may hold off for a special occasion? Do you have one for birthdays etc? Thanks.


I do not. My goal is to be sober, so I dont have one for any reason. 1 will lead to many more.

I have found that there are plenty of amazing ways to celebrate sober.


Congrats on your day count! I find that when I celebrate every day for its beauty and the grace I get from being sober in it, that special occasions are really just another day to be grateful for.

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Thanks for the advice

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Congrats on 1 week! That first week was the hardest for me.

No, I will never drink alcohol again. I no longer see any benefit to drinking. I look at it like poison and the thought of putting poison in my body repulses me. Now, my celebrations have no regrets the next morning.

You made it a week and you feel really proud. That’s awesome feels great doesn’t it!?

As far as special occasions drinks, it’s a no from me. All the times I thought I was better it started with oh one won’t hurt. And I was like ok well 2. Naturally my tolerance dropped and then it became well I’m off tomorrow a few won’t hurt and it progressed from there to ok, just to get the edge off and maintain during the work day to drinking till I pass out at night.

This is my longest length of sobriety, because I realized complete abstinence was my only option. I wish you the best of luck as you continue your journey, check out some posts read up you’ll surprise yourself with how much you have in common with others


Yeah very very true. Thanks for the reply, helps a lot :+1:

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Thanks. Yeah that’s my thought if I had one then leads to more. Might just settle for oduls or my go to drink is mango or green tea for some reason lol

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Yeah I still hit the music scene locally a lot and I usually go for something non alcoholic, it doesn’t make me less cool, it makes me feel better knowing I can remember and not feel like shit

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Way to go on that first week! Hopefully each week will get easier and become more normal.

I struggled with moderation for years, so I finally made the decision to be done and so, no, I won’t be having even one more drink. I just don’t want to go back to the struggle.

I’m a few months in now…156 days, and it just gets better and better. I’ve done two sober vacations, various holidays and my birthday. All with celebrating my freedom from alcohol and the enjoyment of a clear mind. I enjoy my mornings without hangovers and my evenings of real relaxation before good sleep. I’ve brought regular exercise back into my life and I hope for many more years.

I wish you a happy next round of freedom!!


People go 8 months, have a drink for a special occasion, and find themselves drinking uncontrollably again.

If youre 1 week sober and already thinking about “one special occasion beer,” sounds like youre at risk for that kind of crash.

Not a risk im willing to take anymore even though im just at 4 weeks.


Awesome. This is all good and very supportive replies. Thank you all for the replies \o/