Looking for a friend please

Looking for a spiritual friend and someone who I Can confidently confide in . I have no friends that I can communicate with on a day-to-day basis. It be amazing to have that person that I can talk to you.


Hi @Tgash0124, it’s great to have you posting again! How has your sobriety journey been developing since June?

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Hello, it’s been going good. I’m still sober. Haven’t relapsed. However this journey is very lonely and depressing :sob:
I believe it’s very hard for me because I picked up and took my life to Houston from Denver. I left my mom.
I left my marriage because it was what was dragging me down and there was no surviving it any longer, and most of all I left my 23-year-old son who is struggling himself with substance-abuse and legal issues.

I have my nine year-old with me so with the feeling of feeling extremely lonely on top of financially struggling and trying to get up on my feet it’s been extremely hard

I understand everybody is struggling and going through similar emotions, but as a human being
I need that person to confide in and to help lift me up and give me positive affirmations
Having another human being in my life would make my life a lot more happier to cope

I have turned my life over to God and I do pray daily, all the time really and I also listen to the Bible all the time and I try and listen to sermons just to keep my mind off of things but I feel very much isolated.

During my healing journey, which has been one year, three months And a few days today since I’ve moved to Houston, I have learned that I have always been isolated and I didn’t really feel these type of emotions because I was always under the influence, but now sitting in my isolation always by myself I am very lonely, Heartbroken, sad and most of all confused about what I’m trying to accomplish.

Thank you so very much for noticing since the last time I’ve posted . I come onto the app all the time. I just haven’t posted in a while.

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Thank you for sharing your journey with us, I can only imagine how hard and lonely the road must have been for you. Leaving your 23-year old behind must have been extremely difficult to do :disappointed:

In terms of loneliness, have you considered joining an abstinence group that is appropriate for your DOC? There are so many in the Houston areas and they are such a help to many people here on the forum. Here are links to a few of them in your area:



I have also previously used the ‘Meeting Guide’ app to find local groups, this can be downloaded from your app store of choice and the Android app is here:

Hope that helps, keep checking in here for support! :pray: