Looking for a sponsor Richmond

Hello. I am new to this app. I have been an alcoholic for about 30 years. Ive been through rehab after rehab, and always seem to relapse quickly. Ive never teied to find a sponsor because i always thought it was bullshit. Im taking my life more serious now and i really want to beat the addiction. I would like to find a sponsor to keep me accountable. Im not sure if location matters but i am in Richmond VA. Thanks to anyone who can offer advise, or anything at all.


Welcome Roger! You most likely won’t find a sponsor here but this forum is a great addition to your recovery.
Here’s a link you may find helpful.


Thank you for the information Lisa. I really appreciate the help

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Roger, you can use me as a temp sponsor until you get someone local. Email me @ evandbob@gmail.com. My sober date is 3/16/84. I had drank daily before then from 1966 to 1984. Hippie deadhead as well.