Looking for Audiobook Recommendations!

Hi, brand new here! :wave:t2: I’m currently on my 5th day sober from alcohol and feeling so determined and hopeful. I’ve recently listed to ‘Dopamine Nation’ and ‘Sober on a Drunk Planet’ (books 1 & 2) on audible, and I found them all to be super helpful in beginning my journey. Does anyone have any other recommendations for good audiobooks that support sobriety? Thanks in advance, and grateful to be here :blossom:


Allen carrs easy way to stop drinking is great for changing your mindset about alcohol…changed my view of it forever


Welcome to the community Aprille and a hell of a job on 5 days of sobriety.

Quit Like a Woman by Holly Whitaker and The Naked Mind by Annie Grace are good reads - I’m sure audio versions are available for both.

Hope these help :pray:

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Thank you for your suggestion! I’ll check this out!

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Thank you so much! I appreciate the kind words and I will be checking out both of these! :butterfly:

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Welcome to the community! Great topic! I usually just listen to motivational speakers on YouTube talking about quitting alcohol so I’d love to see some of the recommendations people give you so that I can benefit as well! Great job on 5 days! That’s amazing!

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Thank you so much!

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Lots here: Resources for our recovery

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The Brain Fog Fix by Dr Mike Dow. It isn’t specifically aimed at sobriety but he does discuss the damage that drinking causes us on so many levels as well as giving advice on how to make ourselves healthier and stronger through diet, meditation etc. Honestly, I’d recommend it all day because it inspired me to change so much more for myself and gave me other focus while trying to not think about drink at the beginning!