Looking for distractions or books about addiction

Ive got 3 days sober from dope… Im looking for an outpatient rehab facility that i can go to during the day that will help keep me on the right track… Unfortunately, i dont have the option of checking myself into a rehab and staying there, i have a 6 year old and no help with him from my family. I need something to keep my mind occupied and away from the thoughts of using.

Anyone know of any books about addiction i could read up on? Or maybe some videos on the internet that would bring some positive thoughts into my mind? What hobbies could i try to do that would distract me but also be fun too? Coping mechanisms, mine obviously suck. Since i was 15, all ive ever known was to get high to ease any feeling that i had that i didnt want to feel. Thats the same thing i do now.

I need some ways i could possibly stop myself from acting upon the urges and cravings i get. No matter how hard i try, i can’t stay sober for a long period of time. Something happens in my life, i get depressed or whatever then i start to think back to my childhood, my mom told me every single day that i was worthless, i was never going to amount to anything and i can honestly say ive started to believe her words.

Im definitely not nice to myself inside my head whatsoever…ive been having a lot more manic episodes here recently so im thinking my doctor needs to change my medication… there’s a lot of things i need to work on and anything that could bring some positive vibes my way and possibly help me would be great. Im still going to therapy once a week. I guess you can say im still trying… i havent given up yet, even tho im so close to it. Someone give me some advice.


Hey @JessicaAnn93 sending positive vibes your way. I dont have any book recommendations for dope but im sure some fellows will post some soon. I found exercise to help with cravings and mood. You could start by going for a walk with your kid a couple times a week.

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One of the most poignant books I’ve read regarding addiction had been " in the realm of hungry ghosts," by dr.gabor ma`te.
There are some others I will try to remember today for you. :+1:


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Therapy specific to ptsd or cpsd
I’m not a doctor but it sounds like you have trauma and emotions you haven’t deal with …
When I did my therapy things got much better afterwood
Journaling on your thoughts process and replacing it by positve mantra that you say out loud touching your chest to feel and visualise it coming in
THERE IS AN APP CALL CALM I USED TO DO 10minutes every day and got great great benefits from it
Morning gratitude list or night gratitude list
Stay connected to people on the same journey as you are like in this group or AA meeting if you feel like you need to be in contact with other people
Praying god if you are religious… (iam)
All this tools really work if you put the effort to practice them and just think one day at the time only and keep coming here and posting every day to don’t forget
Stay strong !

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I must agree with @Tafkap, although i have not read Gabor’s book, you can listen to him on youtube/Ted Talk. I studied him many years ago and his approach to addiction is brilliant. He provides understanding and coping skills without judgement.
I had no hobbies before I got sober (which I’m still relatively new to being). So i had to really think what i enjoyed. I try walking with music, gardening (which I hated before) and epoxy resin craft. Those have helped me quite a bit. I do still struggle with motivation some days, so I give into the tv and eatch movies. But go easy on yourself, dont beat yourself up if you have a lazy day.
Today i heard someone say - we sometimes get stuck focusing on the stories that have already been written for us but that the rest of the book is full of empty pages, that we have the chance to rewrite our next chapter. I found this really empowering, as Ive thought about relapse as I have always struggled to stick with a decision Ive made. I want to rewrite my story in a more positive light, so Ive picked up the pen (figuratively speaking) and I’m looking to change the story Ive told myself in life.
Im not sure if I’ve made much sense sorry, I hope atleast the hobbies maybe of some interest. This community is excellent at providing support, so make sure to keep reaching out :heart: