Looking forward to a sober bday

Going out tomorrow for my birthday and the biggest thing that will keep me from drinking is not having to reset my quit date on this app! I’m excited to go have fun and know I’ll be up the next morning feeling fine and making it to church on time :wink:


Happy birthday! I really think its awesome that you’re still going out to do something for your birthday. When we get sober, So many people assume life is so called over, and really its just beginning! We can still go have a good time, especially on occasions! Yes, its best to have a plan and a way out at anytime, but thats not too hard to do honestly… Having a life and having a plan is the greatest thing we could do… Now do i go hang in bars and stuff, no, there’s nothing there for me anymore. But i am able to go other places which is awesome! So go you! Have a great birthday!


Keep it going ! I’m 35 days sober , shooting for 60 ! One day at a time.:grin:

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Sober birthdays are fantastic. You can keep the celebration going by waking up well rested (no hangover) and in a good mood.

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Happy Birthday! Own the fact that you will be sober for your birthday and be proud to enjoy it just as much! Going to bed knowing that you will wake up refreshed, hangover free, and with no regret is an amazing feeling! :birthday: :wink:

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Having fun and being able to remember everything, that will be my motivation.

Happy birthday!!! :cake: @Whomsoever

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Happy Birthday! Have an amazing time :green_heart:
It’s my birthday tomorrow too, sadly my plans have been rained off :persevere:

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Thanks guys! <3

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I totally feel you. My bday is July 30th. Looking forward to having the best bday ever. Have a good time. And Happy bday.

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Happy birthday!! My birthday is the 18th and I’m a bit nervous. I don’t know how I’m going to feel, my last sober birthday was when I turned 18. I hope I can be strong enough to pull through