Lose time or use time

The reason I am still on this app is more so than my freedom, dignity, family or health, the factor time

It needs to be clear that we all have very little time. To be exact only this very moment. One may argue we all have decades to come and that is likely true, but any human who has a lot of some ressource, will waste a lot of it, often until most is gone.
This can be avoided by using ressources sparingly. If I believe I have very little time, there has to be something important for me to use it.
Even better, with the time I have right now, I can work towards getting even more time in the future .

Thats why even though it seems like the best way to spend time on drugs in the moment, the time that will be lost in the future is in no relation to the “fun”, no matter how right it feels in the moment to spend. And we all know that if we “once” spend time on drugs it makes us waste a whole lot of time.

Its not just the time of getting, using the drug, but all the time we think about our DOC, not enjoying the moment, and the yesrs of lifetime we cut away by using. Its the using “friends”, the walk to a bar, the lighting of a cigarette, etc, justification tells us the lost time seems so small, but if were being honest, we waste a whole lot of it.

It hast to be number one priority though, to not lose time! We have very little of it, this may be the last year, month, second were alive, no one knows. Wasting time with anything seems so harmless but it is our most valuable ressource.

There are ways to use time wisely, I am no expert, but exercise and healthy food for example dont just make fun in the exact moment but also grant more lifetime. Reading, educating, travelling, (creating) art, family time, good (sober) friends use time wisely, the gift that is time is used the right way and we will know and feel that for sure.

While thinking about this the past few weeks, I feel intense sense of dread, because in my mind, Ive done the greatest sin: Wasting time. I seem to have wasted nearly two and a half years, and I will never get this time back. It makes me feel ashamed of myself, how can I waste time so consciously, be passive, throw these valuable years of my youth away, it makes me feel worthless compared to the people who use their time wisely.

Luckily, time exists, and for the past weeks Ive learned to use it wisely. And I have to say, using time in a wise way, no matter what it is, and sober, is the best thing happening to my life. It makes me thrive it makes me stronger, more healthy, more sexy haha, more creative. With everyday I use time more I love life more and get smarter in handling my time.

This if how we can preserve a “pink cloud”. Sober life doesnt have to be a pink cloud. Life is hard, and being sober is just one part of the work. But using time wisely makes getting and staying sober so much easier, and it strengthens your life.

Being disciplined causes being high on Life, being productive causes the pink cloud, but one has to start exactly now.

Thanks for reading sorry for long post


Thank you for writing that very long post! I have a never thought of the time factor so deep like you prompted, I absolutely love and agree with your perspective. I feel the same way. I have more than 30 years spending time with drugs and alcohol and I wish I had that time back. But I know I have the rest of my life to live in sober freedom, in the present moment, with clarity, peace of mind- Every day living up to my full potential. Time is indeed a gift and I will not squander it.


Im happy you like it and hope these 30 years havent been too hard, indeed were lucky time exists so the future and now can be used wisely, much strength staying sober!

Thanks for writing back!
Funny thing is is that long stretch of time was so slowly progressive at the time it seems like all good. Until it wasn’t… I saw the signs pointing to changing but I just chose drugs and alcohol over that. I just didn’t know how life could be this good living in sobriety.

Yea I understand that its like that frog in hot water. I very often simply ignored or lied about the countless negatives, on an sometimes hourly basis to continue the illusion and live with drugs. Only in hindsight I saw all the damage done. Every new sober day I feel more disgust toward my behavior, disgust I didnt feel at all before. Keeps me motivated tho

Frog analogy is perfect! I am grateful However that because of that life I was in, I have an understanding about people that most people don’t have-we get it. It’s like the insider knowledge. And, we survived- and learned- and can help others.

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Hot damn, I love this post.

Time is one of my biggest motivators in sobriety. When I came to Talking Sober, and still to this day, one gift was looking back on years lost to drinking.

Once my drinking was at a steady clip it wasn’t that nothing was going on in my life. Some things still were. So much more could be, though.

What was going on then was always in a daily, blurry haze of alcohol. It had lost all substance and meaning. I could hardly recall what any of it was amounting to anymore. There are days I still wonder what more could have been if I hadn’t retreated from life a solid three years running, and some parts well before that.

Then I shake it off. Because whatever happened, I’m sober today. However many days slipped by were part of a lesson I was slow learning. That awareness is a gift not to be squandered. That all I have to do is get after it today and it never has to be like that again.

Now with a clear, sober heart and mind I can be present. I can appreciate the good in life and live in the solution. I still have today, and for that I am grateful!


Yea I personally believe with better tactics we could approach addiction therapy more effective I dont know how exactly but that knowledge from ex addicts is very valuable

I have to stop thinking about this as often I think, I started too early and god knows what I missed, but thats obsessive thoughts I am getting in controll of. Its of course painful to not know whaT I missed out on but at least I know that Regret is a time waster too

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