Lost Death of my sponsor

I’m not sure what to do or who to talk to about this…but I’m lost. My sponsor passed away a couple of days ago…I found my sponsor at my first meeting… and she has been there through a lot of things that I was going through… I’m 6 years and 8 months clean… she has been there when I lost my baby brother 3 years ago to an OD, She was there…


I’m very sorry for your loss… :pensive::pray:t2:


I am so sorry for your loss. Wishing you much comfort .

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Very sad! I’m so sorry for your loss. :broken_heart:

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My deepest sympathies. That is really tough.

Have you met other people in the rooms you can talk to?

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Wow so sorry to hear this. We’re here for you. :people_hugging: :bouquet:


Oh my @Lala_noneya my heart breaks for you. Lean on your supports and dont give in to the addiction. Im sure your sponsor gave you motivation use her memory to fuel your sobriety in her honor.

Weve got you


So sorry to hear that, it’s so very hard to lose someone you’re close to. I’m glad you came here and reached out for some support. If she had other sponsee’s maybe you can lean on them because I’m sure they’re hurting also. In the meantime this community is a great place to find support if you engage with others here. Sending strength to you.


It hard my Sponsor who became my friend passed away 10 years ago now still miss him had him for over 25 years


My heart goes out to you. :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Well said :facepunch:t3::facepunch:t3::facepunch:t3:

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Ray, same here, had sponsor for just short of 25 continuous years till his death. Would meet him at least once a month, speak on the phone weekly. Big loss, but carrying on, last 15 yrs after he died, I used 2 men that I actually had gotten sober with back in 1984.


Yea im the same Bob speak to guys i met in my early sobriety who are still sober, hard core sobriety then

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Lala_noneya: One of the best ways to honor a deceased sponsor’s life is to carry on in sobriety in a way that would exemplify their support. We often know what experience strength and hope they would pass on to us.

Now we can continue to incorporate their experience into our own lives, as well as to pass along the message to others in the rooms who want us to sponsor them.

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