I hope that all gets sorted out with your stimulus check and unemployment benefits! Doesn’t seem right to be denied benefits if you are laid off. Are you still working some hours, and that is why they’ve been denying it? Good luck and I hope things work out for you.
Hang in there! Just remember not to get swallowed up in it if the drama llama comes for a visit.
Okay, I will try to remember that.
Update: I have an attorney representing me in my job loss, as I am a single mom, have a special needs child, and was the only employee laid off from a 7 person firm in CA. Latest as of this week, my attorney is talking to my ex-boss’ counsel. Emotionally it feels like a big “yuck.” But so would not having an attorney and going through this!!
I am looking around for new employment, trying to decide what I do/do not want to do. Right now, it feels like there is more of the “do not want to do!”
I have maintained my sobriety, no drink in 3 years, 6 months and 20 days, in spite of feeling like crap emotionally for the best part of 3 months.
We’re u the last in out of the 7 crew or were u there longer then some of them
Second to last. After me they hired a single, male engineer-in-training.
Well usual over here if there in training they won’t be left go until training is over i tink u were just unlucky that u were last in I wouldn’t take it to heart something will turn up for you
I meant he isn’t professionally liscensed yet. He has passed his E.I.T. exam. He is just at a much more junior level, just starting out in his career.