Lost opportunity

I’ve been sober coming up 22 years, big pat on the back for me, meh.
I’ve had COPD or as it used to be called Emphysema for 2 years.
I quit smoking on 17/02/24 but by then it was too late, the disease has been arrested and as long as I don’t smoke EVER again I’ll be reasonably healthy. RING ANY BELLS?
Back when I was just 18 and I’d probably been drinking alcoholicly for about 3 years, I was working as a P&D and complaining about how much fags (smokes for my US friends) we’re costing me, when an old bloke (well probably about 30) said when do you smoke, my reply was when I’ve got a pint in my hand or when I’m bored, this must be ringing some bells. His answer was, stop drinking and keep busy, if all the cathedrals in the world ain’t ringing now, you’re fucking deaf.
If, I’d have taken that advice I’d be around £300,000 better off and a whole lot healthier, but I didn’t and I’m here where I am now.
The only things I can take from this, that is of any comfort is, by ignoring that advice I joined AA and by working this simple, not easy, (it’s simple so our alcohol clouded minds can understand it) program, I saved my marriage, my family, my job and my health, to a certain degree.
If I could go back knowing what I know now I would have taken that advice, but, I wouldn’t be who or what I am now, wiser, more complicated, more compassionate and much, much more willing to accept the failings of others, and I hope that makes me a better person.
Moral, if there is one, take advice for what it is, which is someone just trying to give you the benefit of their experience.


Great share , hope things improve, glad your one of my fellows :ok_hand::kissing_heart:


Glad you stopped smoking, Jim. I quit in 07 and glad I did. Lung function can get better even after applying ourselves for 3+ decades. In fact, sometimes up to 40%!
22 yrs is wonderful (meh my ass) so keep coming back and stay as active physically and spiritually as possible, friend. I appreciate your share.


I don’t understand the “Lost Opportunity”. You say it was that you didn’t “keep busy” when you quit drinking?
What is the advice is think you didn’t do?