Love language

The way i speak to myself and others. This is heavy on my mind and heart. Im newly in recovery again. Ive got 73 days sober. I missed a meeting tonight. So im just looking for an alternative solution. Found this app. Anyways… Its come to my awareness how important it is the things i speak out. Also what i allow spoke into me. I mean i teach people how to treat me, right. Im realizing the difference in what im listening to and speaking about is making in my life. Instead of allowing myself to commit to my first thought… then voice it. I stop myself… redirect and say “GOD BLESS U”. Rather then “Fucking Pigs(cops)”. Even just paying attention to words i use and not saying things that i have mentally deemed “unhealthy”. Such as confidence or confident. Heck no i will never be confident again. Confidence has ultimately allowed me to make choices that resulted in relapse. Small permissions if you will. I prefer to use terms like i believe in myself. My Higher Power and my Recovery are number one. Everything must revolve around the two things in order for me to have anything. The only way out is through. What about expectations?? Umm Nope. . I have goals, plans, hopes, faith, results,solutions, and prayers. Expectations are pre determined let downs. My mess has become my message. I seek out the positive in every bad situation. Theres a lesson to be learned. Negativity only happens when you allow it or wont look for the positive. God always answers my prayers. In his perfect timing and not my own. Can anyone relate? Im just trying to stay sober. This helps me. Hopefully someone else. God bless! much love & respect


I can relate.

Welcome. You are welcome to always share.

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