Low Dose Naltrexone Side Effects

Wanted to see if anybody experienced extreme anxiety and depression the first dose of naltrezone - that went away after the first couple days? My body just fells so strange.

I used it before and had this happen so got scared and stopped. I used a much lower dose this time and it’s better than last time but still sucks. I want to know what to expect and if this will go away.

Yep. First time I used naltrexone I got anxiety pretty badly and stopped using it.

Second time I used it I persisted and it went away at day 3

Good luck ! It does work if you can get through


Thank you James, that gave me some hope. What if you find yourself not needing it because no cravings… is it like starting back over again every time if not taken consistently?

I’m trying to remember my experience with it last year. Feels like I eventually took it only as needed.

I just took day 2’s. Yesterday I started with 1/4 and today I cut it back to 1/8 to see if that helps. This is terrifying.

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It hits me each time I take it to reduce cravings, yeah, but I know what to expect so it doesn’t bother me too much now, though I find it very unpleasant.

I started on 1/4 and find 1/2 is enough to delete my cravings if I get them!

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