I was prescribed pain meds over 20 years ago after a bad accident. My neck was like a 75 year old after the accident. Arthritis formed and discs were slipping. I never took more than a half in the morning and half at night. In the beginning, it was only when I needed it. Then I needed it every day and I never changed the amount. The man, I loved at the time suffered a heart issue that caused him to be in severe pain and he was prescribed medication. Soon I found out he was taking my medicine and I was stuck. My traditional use had to be supplemented with some of his as well as pills from other people. All because I allowed him to take my medication. Fast forward 20 years later I have gone for long stints with no pain medication. We are talking one to two years. Then something happens like shoulder surgery or a hip that’s popping out. When I was young, I did extreme sports and now as I’m getting older I’m falling apart. During these times, it is my husband who still has a drug problem, who supplements me with non-street pills. I won’t take blues off the street or anything that is not from a prescription. I may take one pill a day or even a half. But I started snorting and doing things so it would reach me more quickly when I would be dealing with bad pain. I quickly recognize that this is wrong, and decided that this has to be it. As a Devout Christian I never felt that Jesus was not next to me telling me he did not want me to do these things and that he was there for the day that I wanted to stop.
Or should I say stop again? I decided this Tuesday this isn’t fair to my child and I can’t help my husband if I am even remotely a hypocrite. Friend told me I’m not an addict because I take so little, however, even taking the small amount I’m having some mild withdrawals like yawning, diarrhea and such. I wanted to know if anyone else found their addiction to be more part of a habit and genuine pain, relief, that never seem to escalate to the place of chasing a high. My husband is the other extreme to take so much to the point he can nod off. I am no better. Me stopping this time is important so I can get him into a good program and so there is no more co-dependency. Anyone with a similar story who can offer some advice?
Hi there! Welcome to the forum! I dont have a similar story to share with regards to needing pain meds for pain management (I used them strictly to get high), but i think ur making a great decision in wanting to stop. Pain meds are highly addictive and not using them properly can become a huge problem.
Does he want help aswell? Programs will generally only work if he truly wants to stop, thats why I ask. Hopefully he sees that what he is doing is unhealthy and that there is a much better way to live.
Hopefully somone on the forum has a similar story that can provide you with some better insight or advice
Glad ur here!
I’ve enabled him as I haven’t thrown him out and he would rather hustle everyday than get clean. He was clean seven years ago, court mandated to have his records expunged. He will be done with work early in the morning and then run around all day doing things to get money for more stuff. As soon as he gets home, he gets high and goes to bed and the cycle continues a next day. Sadly, other than the fact That he sleeps all the time, he’s a wonderful father to our child… Never missing a sports game and is incredibly kind and loving. My child is at an age where they are recognizing something is not right. So to answer you no, I don’t think he’s ready. i’ve led the horse to water at least 20 times I’ve done all of the work utilizing our insurance and he doesn’t show up to check himself in. I’ve tried to get him on a program, I’ve even paid in advance and he doesn’t show up. I can’t imagine though people who, feel like they are never high enough and I don’t pretend to understand. For me, I have to take two Advil every six hours for pain. I see my doctor on Monday and I’m going to ask him about seeking pain management without the use of opioids.