Made it 8 days! Yay!

I know it’s not much to some, but I have gone through alot in this week in which my old self would have probally downed 5 shots plus a night easily. Passed out on the couch wake up asking myself why did I say those things etc. Between drama, car troubles, bills, kids, health. You know normal Adult stuff. I didnt cave I distracted myself I rewarded myself for not drinking normally by a unhealthy treat of dairy of some sort since I couldn’t have it while drinking. Watching series after series. Played games on phone and worked.

Now on to 2 weeks hopefully I can manage like last weeks.


Are you kidding!?!? Eight days without a drink is SUCH a HUGE accomplishment! Congratulations! Early sobriety is so difficult for some of us! Just know that it does get easier. There are so many coping tools to help you along the way. Way to go!!


Thank you! I sure did want to cave though lol :slight_smile:


8 days is a big accomplishment and you should be proud of yourself. Sobriety is no easy task and your killing it right now. Take one day at a time and keep up the good work.

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I’m taking hour by hour at the moment. I’m very proud but I’m trying not to get to excited. I’ve done this before and got too over confident and spoiled it. The one drink wont hurt isn’t very smart. Lol but thank you!


Congrats!!! 8 days is wonderful!!!

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Thank you!

Sounds like the start of something good

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8 days is fantastic congratulations. I found it very tough to begin with but it gets better the more we learn to distract ourselves. It’s great u r keeping busy with different stuff . I know a few people on here recommend the 30 day experiment I’ll tag them in post and they can maybe explain more . @anon35096624 @adeygaga49 x


8 days is great I’m happy for you. Keep it going! This morning is hard for me, since I forgot to buy coffee. That being said sober coffee is much better than that tired omg I’m going to die coffee used to have before going to work just few days ago. Great weekend to all


I whole heartedly recommend “the 30 day alcohol experiment” it is free . It’s by Annie Grace the author of THIS NAKED MIND which you will find recommended on here a lot. You sign up online and then you get a daily email lesson that then takes you to a link with a video lesson or information video, I’m on now on day 42 sober and I can from the bottom of my heart tell you it has changed my life. My whole mindset and perception of things has shifted dramatically. Just give it a go with an open mind. You literally have nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain. Wishing you luck and Love


Thank you everyone!

Yea I cant go a day without coffee drives me nuts lol

Thank you! I’m hoping I can keep it good lol!

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I’m right there with you. I’m on day 9 and everything was going awesome until today when my bf and I got into a huge fight. But I didnt drink. 8 days is a long time. I always used to say theres not enough time in this life, but that’s bc I was drinking half away and sleeping the other half. These 9 days have felt like a whole month to me. I cant believe the things I’ve been doing and not being exhausted. So keep it up. I’m planning on it.


Nice job on staying sober.

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Really great accomplishments Rose and Laura! Even more impressive since you both had the pressure of life to deal with!! Be sure to capture what worked and how you are feeling. When you are tempted/stressed it can be a great reminder of how and why.