Made it another day AND night sober, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

So Thanksgiving morning, I’m working, and not home with the kids watching the Macy’s Day Parade, not working all day, so hopefully home sooner than later.

Happy TEN DAYS to me. Something to definitely be thankful for. Counting my blessings and all that jazz today. Well trying to, that’s all I can do though, right?

Definitely have an air of sadness today though. Missing my family, we decided to host today, but everyone is going to my sister’s, it’s closer for people. I guess I understand but this is the first time hosting thanksgiving in the home I bought 4 years ago, I’ll try and make the best of it with the BF and kids.

Sober feels pretty alright. Not sure where this journey is going to bring me, but I do know I do not want to get back to me. I want a new better version of myself instead. Definitely no idea what that looks like, only time and effort will tell.


I really can’t wait to hit em…10dayz


Yes, congrats on your ten days!!!

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You got this!

10 days is amazing! :muscle::pray: Way to go! One day at a time and you will see that being sober delivers everything addiction promised. :purple_heart:

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That’s why we do it ODAAT.
Stick with us here at TS and you will have a new found family of friends. Not the same as irl. But the support and love here has kept me sober.

And now! Ten Days!
Congratulations! This is amazing!

If this is your first Thanksgiving Sober. You got a lot to be grateful for.


It is my first, and thank you!


Congratulations!!! :partying_face: