Made it through the first weekend without a drink

Well it’s Monday morning and i’m not feeling like shit and i didn’t have much trouble waking up at the time i originally intended. Last weekend was the first time in a very long time i intentionally didn’t drink. I had a lot of thoughts and temptations all throughout the weekend but thanks to my fiancè being there to help me through this i got through the weekend. I also did attend an AA meeting yesterday and got a few numbers and i plan to go back to that next Sunday. This Friday me and my fiancè are heading up to DC and i got this cosplay event that’s running all weekend so hopefully this weekend’ll be a little easier on me. I’ve officially been sober for a whole week so far i just hope i can keep choosing to not pick up because i hope to see my life and my health improve


That’s awesome, congrats! I love DC… All the museums are free if you have time to kill. Enjoy!


Congrats on your first week sober!


Congratulations on your week!!!


We’re gonna be heading up there at night for a screening of The Room so no museums unfortunately but thank you for the suggestion!


Good for you @Arianna! :raised_hands:


Awesome job! The first sober weekend is a hard one but then they become easier and more rewarding :slightly_smiling_face:. The early days can be tough but you only have to go through them 1 time. The path gets much easier if you keep moving forward. Best wishes


Congratulations :confetti_ball: now keep up the great work on you!

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