Made it through the night

I Made it through the night. I wanted to cave so many times. It would be so easy but I didn’t. I made it to DAY 6. It sounds so strange, I’m 6 days sober.


Well done Niz!!


Thank you. This is the hardest thing I’ll ever have to do.

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YES!! This is huge you know…you didnt cave! How do you feel about that today?xx

I feel like I’m still walking on brittle sharp ice sheet and if I just do one small thing wrong I’ll fall through, it’ll swallow me hole again and then I may never be able to get out next time.

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This is a big win, you didnt cave so now you know you can get through it, youve proved it…give yourself some credit you are doing great and it does get better, are you eating/staying hydrated?

Definitely drinking a lot of water. My appetite isn’t that great but I am eating some.


Think of us here asthough we are gathered around holding up that ice sheet until that ice hardens and you become stronger…we are here to help you be strong until you get stronger yourself. Its what we do here so keep talking to us, try and it a little bit more food each day, get a b vitamin complex it helps with energy as alcohol robs us of b12 in particular


Thank you. Being on here talking really does help


It does, i remember how much it helped me when i was in your position, you dont have to do any of this alone, day 6…the physical should start feeling better very soon but do try to eat a little itl help to feel better sooner


Is it weird that food taste bad?


No, detoxing from the booze can do alsorts of strange things to us…try some plain things for now pasta, bread, plain biscuits but do try to eat its what our bodies need, sometimes you need to start eating to feel hungry if that makes sense


It does. I’m just waiting for the day where cheeseburger actually sounds amazing again.

Trust me that will happen :100:


Thank the lord because I feel so numb to everything other than This pain and sickness

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What kind of pain do you mean?

@Niz im so grateful to hear you made it thru to day 6!! you are so powerful. keep going and building these new skills. believe in the promise from all of us that it gets easier!! i’m 54 days off alcohol and the first couple weeks were pretty rough cuz i was actually feeling everything for the first time, everything i had been numbing - and boy did it hit me HARD! so i can totally relate, i believe most of us can relate to what you’re feeling. trust us that as you continue to go forward in sobriety it won’t hurt this much. you are so strong to take on this challenge and you deserve what’s coming! the sweetness of a sober life. keep going one day at a time. proud of you. we believe in you!


That’s for sure! Use this place as much as you can. It has made all the difference in my own experience. Wishing you strength :muscle:t3::muscle:t3::muscle:t3::heart:


I hurt everywhere. In my bones. In my muscles. That got retching pain in your stomach. My whole body. All I feel is pain and I don’t know how I’ve made it 6 days like this but if I can do 6 days, I know I can do more but mostly, I want to do more, I want to be sober.

Have you consulted a professional about this? Yes detoxing is hard but there is also a possibility of it being something unrelated, id urge you to get checked over if you can