Made it through the struggle

Well I made it to 90 days of sobriety I have to say it wasn’t easy and at one time I was close to subcomming to get another relapse after a particular bad episode a few days ago of anxiety and drinking cravings my friend contacted me saying she was worried as I didn’t seem myself it’s like she knew what was happening.

I then decided to journal and distract myself through mediating it was hard but eventually I overcame it and now im continuing my path to sobriety


Well done on 90 days @Rachel1988


Congratulations on 3 months of sobriety Rachael

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Congratulations!! It’s a huge deal to get to 90 days! It keeps getting better and better with each day logged in sober! :tada::slightly_smiling_face::muscle:t4:


Well done on your 90 days Rachel and using your tools to move thru a craving. It isn’t easy to change our lives, but it is worth it 100%! :people_hugging::heart:


Outstanding job!!

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Way to go dealing with those cravings! 90 days is terrific!!


Wow congratulations on 3 months!!! So glad u managed thru that and have come out stronger on the other side :slight_smile:

90 days is huge well done :+1:

Congrats on 90 days.

Congratulations! It’s a massive achievement. It gives hopes to others like me as well. I’m 62 hours in and struggling, but seeing people like you makes it seem possible. :muscle::blossom:

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Way to go!! One day at a time

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