Made it to 90 days but

Hi everyone! Its me I made it to 90 days. And i have found a bit of peace internally but with that said i have a stressful situation im dealing with. I guess im looking for an outside opinion. Recently my younger sister left her religion and her husband and ended up at our place in mental distress. As a family we opened the doors. She had nothing to do wth us prior due to her choice in religion. But family is family. We soon found out she was in a relationship with a guy from Texas ( we live on vancouver island in canada) she has a metal health episode and ends up in the hospital in phyc, she gets out and is on meds for bi polar, she has secured a room with a lady to live for a bit while she rested and worked in the summer. This place was offered free to her. Next thing we know this guy ftom texas is here and she soon loses her place and ends up back hereā€¦ with this guy, whom we dont know, now both living here for free. Im extreamly uncomfortable with this snce the house is small. I feel like my safe space has been invaded. There are other factors as well like her starting to put blame on us for her decisions in life, have to walk on egg shells, have this guy poking his head in my room, i feel very put off. He super sweet , like sickingly sweet. Again this is just my impressions. Though she keeps pushing him in our face, very overwhelmed. Anyway sorry for the long story ā€¦ am i being too sensitive?


I donā€™t think youā€™re being too sensitive. I wouldnā€™t want a random living in my home either. If the home is your parents, you need to have a conversation with them. Let them know how you feel and that itā€™s making your journey more difficult than it needs to be.

Position it in a way that shows understanding for your sister but also for yourself and family. Parents need to make tough decisions thatā€™s best for their family. Keep working on them and they will.


I had asked my father to speak , but hes only seeing how great he is. And maybe hes the prince she is making him put to be. There have been a few things hes said that made me raise my eyes. They have a tent in the back yard and have helped themselves to the fridge (not the biggest deal) but things are expensive an we all struggle. Makes me feel off that this person wasnt invited and showed up anyway

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Thatā€™s interesting. Iā€™m not in the advice realm by any means. Iā€™m only speaking to what I would do with the info I have, and Iā€™m a little petty.

I would be selfish in the sense of, Iā€™m not going to worry and follow my dadā€™s lead. Trust heā€™s making the right decision. I would focus on me and whatā€™s in my control.

If it doesnā€™t work outā€¦ I would have an ā€œI told you soā€ moment and a story to laugh about later in life.

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Have you read ā€œthe gift of fear?ā€ Basically - listen to your gut.

You shouldnā€™t be uncomfortable in your space.


That sounds beyond stressful. I would be so uncomfortable in that situation. Im so sorry youre dealing with this. Are either of them looking for jobs? Or looking for a room they can rent?
So sorry i cant help in this situation or offer much advice other than reassurance that youre not being too sensitive. Youre completely valid in your feelings. Also - you mentioned your dads take on it, just wondering if theres anyone else living with you that you can also ask their opinion?


I 100% agree with this.

It sounds like your gut is telling you that something isnā€™t right and I suspect you may be correct without knowing anything more than what you posted.

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Trust your gut.


Your inner self has you on guard I think, to keep you safe? JMHO If he seems,ā€too muchā€, he just may be putting up a front.

Before it was just my dad and I, no one else. I talked my my BF about the situation and hes not conviced about the guy. Doesnt like the situation. Maybe it would be a little different if we had time to get to know this person. She hasnā€™t even got to know him, They meet on a twitch stream a year ago, While her and her husband were still together. Now she has plans that sheā€™s gonna run away to the states with him with no plan off income, no home and no money. Tells us that sheā€™s in love with this guy who she just met. And maybe Iā€™m just being 2 guarded. And maybe it will work out perfectly? But I also think that she is being really naive because she hasnā€™t had time to get to know this person of what he is really like. This man has been divorced three times she told us and also told us he has all this money and that he just likes to help people. But then we find out he doesnā€™t and shes made them out to be something that heā€™s not. Just puts me off. Of course i keep quiet and am pleasant. Justcmakes me feel unsafe.

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A huge congrats on your 90 days! So sorry for all that you are having to endure in your own space. That really canā€™t be easy and i echo what others are saying on trusting your gut.
I donā€™t think you are being too guarded at all. He does not sound right and i would feel uncomfortable too. I am hoping that he can leave your home soon. Some people really do know how to lay it on thick and the charm can be hypnotizing. Glad that you can see beyond the facade.
Stay safe Julia. :hugs: :pray:

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Thats definitely off-putting, especially lying about moneyā€¦ and i do wanna say, as someone who lives in the states, coming here with no plan is an awful idea, our economy is collapsing, and even if they do find jobs, the chance of getting their own home is very slim because of how expensive everything is. Im sending support and hope for both you and your sister. I hope you dont have to deal with this much longer :pray:t2:

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First and foremost congratulations on your 90 days Julia. Thatā€™s amazing and you should be proud of yourselfšŸŽˆ
The situation in your house sounds very difficult to me though. I donā€™t have much of an advice for you except what everyone said. Trust your gut and imho thereā€™s something really wrong with this guy. Youā€™re definitely not being too guarded. I hope there will be a solution.
Take care of yourself my friend.
Sending love and strength :people_hugging:

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Thank you everyone. Im just taking it one day at a time, trying to be positive and not judging,He does deem to help around the house. Which is a great start to good relations in the family. I have to be gracious and kind yet onservant. All i can do, and not drink. Crossed my mind but i wont.


This type of behaviour is a big red flag. Itā€™s impulsive and itā€™s about escape. If a relationship starts because itā€™s about escaping something - escaping a previous relationship or a previous lifestyle, for example - then itā€™s not the right time to start a relationship.

Healthy, constructive relationships donā€™t start as escape fantasies.

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You are 100% right , cant tell her what to do, just be supportive. I belive healthy relationships take time and patience :relieved:


Little update on the situation. Yesterday I was informed my this guy that ā€œthat they will be moving in.ā€ Not asked but told. I had to have a staight forward conversation with them. Told them how i felt like i was being told what to in my own home. And that he was not invited here and that this is something they have to discss with the homeowner. I feel like my safe spqce has been taken over.


Good for you for speaking up. How did it go over when you expressed yourself?

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Dad herd me out , hes trying to take it one day at a time. I get that people need help, just frustrating being told what to do by complete stranger.