Made it to one week... feels good. I think?

Well, I finally hit my “Rock Bottom” last Sunday. Let’s just say a very serious arrest, night in jail, incredibly expensive lawyer, and a heartbroken wife can really bring a man back to reality. I was a daily beer drinker, 3-6 a night, binge on the weekends, functioning alcoholic. This is the longest I’ve been sober in probably 3 years and it feels good, but with a hint of anxiety, restlessness and guilt thrown in. I’ve had my share of fuck ups before, but this time was the “big one.” I always thought I had the reigns until… I didn’t. Even with all the bad, I’m feeling very hopeful and optimistic about the future. I’m enjoying the challenge, oddly enough. I guess I just really needed a reason all this time. It was always others that thought I should sober up… now I think so too. No programs for now, tried AA in the passed and wasn’t a fan, just one day at a time. Happy to find such a cool App and community!


Welcome to the beginning of a whole new chapter of your life. It’s fucking amazing I’m a about a month and a week ahead of you.

Ps I’m not an AA person either. Two books I loved…
“Stop drinking alcohol” and “this naked mind”. Completely different thought process than AA.

That night in jail and all the other shit those goes with it sucks balls. I did it about 5 years ago. I wish I would have gotten the message as quickly as you did.

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Good on you, man! Better late than never.
Thanks for the recommendations, I could use some reading with all this free time I have now… seems like days last forever!

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Once you get the hang of it you’re probably going to love how long the days Are. I know I do. I’m legit writing accomplishments and intentions everyday and without all that drunk Time and recovery time and a clear brain… shits on, man. But in the beginning o spent all my time reading. Jammed my head full of alcohol knowledge.

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Whoah Duster your yelling my story. Didn’t get arrested but police were involved. Functioning alcaholic. Never saw it as a problem despite what my hubs would say until now. And so here I am on day 13. Today has been a little difficult due to it being a beautiful weekend.

Wishing you the best

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I am not a fan of AA either. I always left feeling worse than when I walked in. :persevere:


Stick with it. If you get tempted, remember that drinking doesn’t solve anything and the problems will still be there regardless. Give it some time and you’ll continue to feel better and think better. Good luck!


Thanks for the support, guys! I am 2 weeks sober today. Kim, I think you are my sober twin hah! Keep it up :slight_smile:

So no major hurdles or struggles/temptations yet… I actually found that I didn’t even think of beer the other day until I was home from work and bored. It kind of hit me that I was drinking out of boredom and to keep me out of my own mind. Increased anxiety sucks, but I’ll get passed it. Been keeping busy, busy, busy working on our cars(passion of mine) and spending quality time with my wife. Sobriety is pretty badass… I feel sharp!

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