Made it to one year sober!

That’s amazing good for you.
Do you have any advice you would give someone who’s just starting. Its literally been one day. But I’m so determined this time. I’m ruining so many things by my alcohol consumption and I finally had an eye opener yesterday and i just cant do it anymore . I definitely need some advice and support though.

Hey! I’m so sorry I haven’t responded yet! Based on my own experience, I’ve found it helpful to buy Non Alcoholic wine to satisfy the craving to some degree. (This didn’t last long, but helped initially) I avoided outings that were focused around drinking, if possible. I also found it helpful to tell people around me I was trying to be sober to hold myself accountable, as well as reach out to others who’ve been in my position. This app is a great resource! I was also looking forward to hitting one year, I found focusing on that goal truly helped me to keep me motivated. Good luck, I’m hear if you ever want to chat :heart: