Making friends that don't use?

Just trying to make some friends that aren’t addicts is a very hard thing to do feels like we addicts are like attracted to each other lol .

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You will find that we are similar during recovery. I have made some great recovering friends and guess what when shit gets tough I have someone to talk too.

Yeah that’s true you got have your recovery first but once you get a year or so clean it’s nice to have normal friends that aren’t always talking about meetings or recovery

We might discuss recovery but certainly not all the time. We are friends and talk about everything under the sun. But I’m also a little older so maybe that’s a difference.

I find it very hard to make friends I don’t like people my age and I don’t like people in general just very hard to be sociable sober

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Hmm seems you know your problem now what can you do to fix it? It does not sound as though it’s a certain demographic?? Most times when we struggle it’s truly time to look inward.