Making New Friends

Where do sober people go to make new friends? How do you take the initiative to try and meet and get with new people?


I’ll admit that it’s been a bit difficult making sober friends during quarantine. But here are a few suggestions:

  1. see what programs your local library offers. Our library offers all sorts of classes and book clubs and crafting groups. You could pick something that sounds interesting and attend a class or group.

  2. what activities do you enjoy? Looking online, you can often find a group in your town for running, hiking, biking, etc.

  3. consider attending a recovery group (AA, recovery dharma, etc.). You will absolutely meet sober people there! Also, don’t worry if it takes visits to a few meetings to find one you really feel comfortable at. It can be worth it!


I’ve met some great friends at AA meetings. I didn’t speak at all when I first started going. I would just sit in the back and listen. As time went on, I got out of my comfort zone and started sharing. Then I started coming a little early and staying longer after the meeting to help clean up. That’s when I began interacting with others. After a year, I now I have lifelong friends all because of the program.


I meet a lot of people in church


Its been a challenging year for AA meetings because of COVID. I have made some amazing friendships at AA. You might find open social distance meetings where you live. Google it to know for sure.

I have also made some amazing friendships here.

AA is great! This place is here 24/7


Me too. Great humans at church. They are a whole different breed of human. Good humans!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::v::trophy:

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At the zoo.

I dont know if where your at offers in person meetings, but I met most of my people there.

Part of my story involved me moving to another state and when my significant other shut me out I didn’t have a choice. I had to start talking to people and networking at the new location it was hard but I made some great friends in the rooms

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