Making of a beast

I’m tired of living at a low vibration all the time I want to be happy and I want to be the best version of me so that I may be successful in anything and everything I do

I just need to commit I just need to do what I need to do or I will forever regret this

I need to be great every day

I know deep down if I do this I will be unstoppable, I will have unlimited amount of stamina, energy, strength mentally and physically

If I do this I will become what I dream and desire i can’t get the things that I want until my vibration and lifestyle matches the life that I want

If i go all the way I will be great

I will keep you updated as i go through my milestones which should be the 14th of september of 2022


You can do this, look how many of us here are doing it, together we all are doing it, helping each other :hugs: welcome to the community.
This is a great place full or lovely supportive people so keep posting and take a read around.
Its nice to meet you.


I like your energy and your approach.

Make a list of practical ways which you can implement these ideas… for example, not stopping by the place where you bought your drug of choice (alcohol?) Would be top of my list, also, not listening to or allowing conversation with the addictive voice…

Soberiety hasn’t solved all my problems, sometimes a feel unstoppable and just a total badass of getting things done, especially great hobbies! But it has also helped me to cope with the bad days when shit does happen, cause it will, that’s life!

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I like the not having a conversation with the addictive voice

Thanks man i really feel comfortable sharing here

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If you hear it = shut it down!

Shut it down instantly! Don’t debate with it, it will drive you in circles looking for a chink in your defenses and try to worm it’s way in to convincing you to give in…

You’re probably going to have to shut it down quite frequently at first, but keep going at it, each time is a victory and each time you get stronger and each time it gets weaker!

Just as a marker, my worm voice was every few minutes at first, now it’s practically never, and when it does try to come out I laugh at its pathetic-ness


How long have you been sober?

One year, nine months, and six days

… So approaching two years now!

In semen retention? Congratulation btw

No mine was alcohol amongst other things… But I think addictions have parallels.

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