Making people comfortable again

Hi there. Because of my moods and hypersensitivity during my using period, I have (my fault) created an athmosphere that sucks around me. People are afraid, hypervigilant, suspicious and in general, it feels to me that they are expecting some sort of sudden catastrophe from me.

In turn, I also don’t feel entirely comfortable (well, it’s still kind of my fault, so I won’t complain) so it’s not really clear how to make the athmosphere better, as I am a bit afraid of making the wrong joke, sending the wrong signals etc…

Thanks !


I must say that I am not entirely sure if it also could be me who’s more hypervigilant now, and therefore sending some sort of weird vibe.

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Time and sobriety will easy the atmosphere eventually. We need to take time sometimes


Thanks for the quick answer!

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Yes unfortunately there’s no quick fix on this one takes yime gor people to see u have changed and also for yourself to be comfortable with the new you but it will happen stay the course :blush: ADAAT :muscle:


I think your overthinking this…its about YOU being comfortable…give yourself a break…be kind to yourself and concentrate on you and getting yourself better…what others think for now really doesnt matter. Its ok to look after yourself first and foremost…once you feel better within it will shine out externally and youl find that people will naturally feel it :people_hugging:


You are welcome my friend