Mandi's Recovery Journey Vibes



I’m changing this to if it comes and it feels right, let it. I am seeing Soooooo many things COULD enter my life right now but I’m keeping all the things that don’t feel good right out. Which is a lot! As I grow inside, I seem to be turning into a bit of a magnet with people. I finally realize how important boundaries are, so is being authentic and keeping LOTS of healing space open for me. I used to let everything in, now I just want the healing things in.

This is the first time in my life I’ve really felt able to build my life how I truly want it. I’ve kinda always felt stuck in others opinions or in what I have felt obligated to do…not often doing what I actually wanted to do. I know I can’t get too specific on the details, I also know I can’t control how things arrive. Kinda a “know what you are going for, let it go and see what happens while you focus on working on yourself and follow the signs when it’s time” thing. That’s what I’m trying anyway these days. Basically a let go and let god thing happening!

I actually feel good too about doing the work to clear out the cob webs and traumas that have built up during my lifetime. Man, I didn’t realize how many of those I had! I’ve buried a lot. Even though it’s difficult, I am ready and stable enough to handle it finally. And things are definitely coming up and out, which allows me to acknowledge and release them to heal finally.

Sobriety really allowed me to save my life in SO many ways! It has really made it worth living again. I really have many of you to thank for this, I know if I wouldn’t have found this place I would still be a drunken mess, trying to moderate while life fell completely apart around me. So thanks to you guys for helping me see the light so I can live a different way!

These are my Saturday afternoon ramblings for my thread lol. I didn’t expect all that to come out by looking at a picture but I think I’m glad it did!


Saw this earlier and it seems to fit in to the first part of your message :hugs:


Yes, love it!! Thank you for sharing

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Where is this im overwhelmed

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I’m beginning to suspect that the distinction between divine and human is not as sharp as I once believed it to be. For one thing, I can’t have one without the other.

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That was actually right on my porch, that’s part of my collection. :heart:

I believe you are correct! It’s always there, but I believe the connection is stronger when we are open to it. :heart: Much like relationships with people, the more open we are, the more love & connection can flow in the relationship.


I loved The Four Agreements! I’ve gotta find this!

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Bump :sunny::dizzy::sparkles:



I was thinking about this too this weekend @SteppingStones! :heart:


This is the time of year mother nature reminds us how beautiful letting go of things can be too! :maple_leaf:

Change is inevitable as nothing can ever stay the same, that’s one thing I have become very well acquianted with in my life. However, change doesn’t need to be a bad thing as there is certainly always beauty, growth and appreciation that can be found in it too!

If you are struggling with this, try practicing more gratitude and appreciation. You tend to find a lot more wonderful things to be thankful for if you focus there instead of being focused on things like scarcity, fear, worry, anger or on things you can’t control-which often leads to frustration.

It is great to acknowledge those feelings as they arise, investigate why they are there, thank them for the awareness they are bringing to you and then let them go…They are truly too heavy to carry with you day after day.
This will make room for more of the things you love to come back into your life.

Focus on what you love and appreciate instead. You’ll find more where that came from! <3



It was your posts like this that really spoke to me last year Mandi. I thank you from the whole of my being for showing me the way. I am forever grateful to you! :heart_eyes::star_struck:


Geoff, I have nothing but love for ya man! :heart: You have come so far and it’s really inspired me along the way too! You’ve certainly done whatever it’s taken to stay sober and change your life. It’s clear it’s been a great shift inside for you! I love that you seek knowledge and how you really think about things to come to you own good understanding of them. You are compassionate to others, genuinely give a shit about them and do the best you can. You’ve been a great inspiration to me too!

I’m soooooo happy that we’ve all been able to share this walk together. We’ve learned so much in our sharing-way beyond just getting sober but really life changing discoveries and growth has happened. Absolutely friggen beautiful! :heart_eyes: Love my TS tribe!