Mandi's Recovery Journey Vibes

And we love you, dear Mandi. We need to say it more often. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks Dan, I have nothing but love for you too!! As we know, life’s too short not to say how we feel and I have to say it’s been a pleasure hearing your insight and perception on things this last 19+ months. Your awareness is astounding and always resonates deeply for me! I have always loved how much you really turned your life around and how you pave the way for others by shining your light brightly. Even in times of great adversity and turmoil, you always find your way to the high road and I thank you for your insight and openness along the way.

Today I saw a post I liked that was along the lines of let’s lift each other up and in the post, it wanted you to share what you love about the person posting it. I wanted to change that so I could lift others up about what I admire about them but never managed to get around to it today. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to do some of that anway today you guys! :heart:


Following your bliss leads to all kinds of wonderful things! :notes:

Doing the things that you love to do often brings inspiration and clarity as well as feelings of joy and peace from the inside that radiates outwardly.

It opens your heart and increases your energy/vibration levels, which allows more of what you love to come into your existence.

Sometimes suddenly, you’ll even get these amazing ideas that lead to pretty cool places if you follow them!

It can help in allowing gratitude and appreciation in as well as helping to move stuck and stagnant energies/ideas to get things flowing again.

These are just some of the reasons we should make time to do more of what we love to! :two_hearts:

When was the last time you did something that you loved to do?




Here is where the random comes in lol.

Something that came across my mind tonight was thinking about why I quit drinking. I mean, I know my life was an absolute chaotic mess, my standards were lowered day by day but the short answer is really when I knew I had to stop was when even getting wasted didn’t stop the pain anymore. I couldn’t outrun it so I had no choice really but to turn around and face it finally. It was time to really look in the mirror and see what was looking back at me. And it wasn’t pretty…Well. It actually was…Pretty damn horrific! Literally.

I had a girlfriend mention today how great my eyes and skin looked and my mind jumped back to where I started this journey and said THANK YOU sobriety!

Before I started this journey, I used to think my life wasn’t really that unmanageable drinking. I truly thought I was a functioning alcoholic! Looking from where I am today, I think I was off my rocker (I was!) and I’ll bet a year from now I’ll have an even clearer picture of how different life really can be lived. I’ve come a hell of a long way so far and I know there is much more to come!

Love this sober life. :heart:


I see people in the market with that haunted look on their face, the combination of shame and pride, as they make their beer and wine selections. The one key clue is the lack of eye contact. And I’m instantly transported to those moments when I thought I had my shit together but I knew I didn’t.

We’ve come a long way, baby. Thanks to the grace of my higher power and the program of AA.


Facing it. Always facing it. It’s how we heal. Great job Mandi!!


Yes, I can spot them. I think to myself that I was like that too.
Hard to realise this now.

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We all have our own inner guidance system we are born with. :satellite:

Sometimes it comes through as a gut feeling or as that little voice inside inside of you. Other times you get ideas or just KNOW something without any logic to support it. These things can very much help guide you if you are willing listen!

I have found when my own intuition isn’t used, I always end up down the wrong path for me. I sometimes try to make myself feel good about things I don’t feel good about. This often leads to my own inner light dimming more & more until I get back into alignment with myself again-however long that takes. When I follow my instincts instead, it always works out better & smoother than I could ever have imagined!

This could be about any subject-your work, how to treat your body, relationships, situations, housing, friendships, hobbies, etc. usually involving a decision you need to make. You truly do know what you need to do and the universe will support you as you line up with yourself! Have faith and go with the flow.

Try quieting down the noise of the outside world. What resonates deep inside of you? Are you lined up with your own inner voice? Your higher self loves it when you listen. :heart:




It’s all about bringing your darkness into the light. :heart: It’s great you discovered this Lea! If you have Pinterest there is a ton of info on there about shadow work, I also found this that looked like it could be helpful so I wanted to share. I’ve done some of it, but I’m going to look back into this again too so thanks for sharing!


Hi Mandi. This was the article I had read that I mentioned above. It was sort of helpful. I’ll look more into it.





I love this .XX thanks for this amazing upbeat theard this is definitely needed atm


@MandiH Today is the first time I have seen this thread. Very much enjoying my time scrolling through all of the posts. Great messages.


If you have something on your mind, please dm me!

I’m doing great but thank you Dan! :heart:


I will say I’m physically pretty sore today, the body was the last piece I needed for the mind, body and spirit connection so that’s been my focus lately. I could use any pointers you’ve got for me from your experience Dan! :grin: