Mandi's Recovery Journey Vibes

I agree. It truly is raw and natural. And honestly I couldn’t get fuel delivery even if I wanted to in the winter and probably even in the spring with mud season lol. There’s something about it though that just makes you feel connected and like you’ve really worked for what you have. Raw is a great word for it! Especially as my first spring arrives in this house and I’ll be able to harvest some on my own too. It’s not exactly the easy road but that’s how we get to the gold in life. :heart:

Thanks so much @Matt, that comment literally brought tears to my eyes. Truth tears that hit the heart strings. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: The universe and our higher powers will always provide if we stay open and ask. It may not look like we expect it to but that’s the true beauty of it all, things usually turn out better than we expect if we can just allow it to arrive in the manner it’s provided for us. Lessons and blessings often go hand in hand. :heart:

Have a great day my friends!


Day 1449.

I’ve been wide awake since 3am just thinking about how blessed I am. I used to lie here awake at 3 am sick as a dog from drinking. Today I’m awake and filled with gratitude. This is all from my recovery! My life is so different today and for this I’m beyond thankful. I’ve had to clear out the clutter and really allow my life to change. And it still changes daily.

This week I’ve been able to open up and speak my truths about my feelings with others. Soooooooo many truths. Not about what I think about something. How I’ve actually felt. I do that SO easily with the great things. But when I have to share about my hurt feelings, that’s still hard for me. I’ve always bottled them up knowing what someone else did was their unhealed soul and wasn’t about me so I didn’t want to make it worse. However, allowing myself to feel these feelings and honoring myself by talking about them lead to so much beauty. Open and honest connections. The ability to show FULLY who I am. It’s absolute freedom!!

Today I get to honor myself and speak freely with no attachment or expectations for an outcome. It’s just authentic sharing of who I am. Not in a prickly way but in a loving yet very truthful way. I become more my true self still daily and it’s freaking beautiful!! I’ve had conversations this week I’ve been avoiding for years, some even decades. And each was better than I ever thought it could be. I’m just so damn thankful. Allowing myself to be uncomfortable while I do this work is where the magic happens. Stay with it my friends you are worthy of true recovery, one day at a time. The promises really do come true. :heart:

Keep on rocking it my friends!! :love_you_gesture::partying_face::raised_hands::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Day 1450.

As my sponsor says, I’m currently on a journey of emotional sobriety. All these things like feelings and having communications with others about them has been foreign to me my whole life. I can feel the good. The bad I’d avoid and just pretend it didn’t matter. I was taught at a very young age that my needs didn’t matter. I was taught to people please and shove my own stuff under the rug. I also often had that old saying said, “If you want to cry I’ll give you something to cry about”. My emotional capabilites I think stopped even before my dad died from his alcoholism when I was 13. Likely long before that. I was smoking at age 6, smoking weed by 5th grade and drinking by middle school. I was already active in my behaviors at a very young age.

My recovery has given me blessings I had no idea I was missing out on. Emotional sobriety being a big one lately. I remember I was SO scared so get a sponsor, I didn’t want anyone telling me what to do. My own will still ran rampant, hence why I was still having problems even 2 years sober. I hadn’t done the work, I just put down the drink. Today I can see that having someone to bounce my thoughts off consistently who understands the life I’ve lived was literally a godsend. My sponsor helps me all the time to really learn how to live in an entirely new way. And hearing the recovery message in all of my meetings tends to give me new insights and outlooks all the time.

Because of that, this week has brought me lessons on forgiveness. Which has offered me a new freedom and a new happiness. We do not regret the past, nor wish to shut the door on it. I’ve reconnected with a family member I stopped talking to a decade ago. I have boundaries in place so history won’t repeat itself but the ick from that situation is now gone that I’ve felt over and over again, especially when she tried to reach out to me for the last 6 months. I wasn’t in a place where I was ready to face this and not add to my 4th step. The second I was ready after discussing it with my sponsor again, I was able to reconnect and release that crappy feeling resentment and I was freed from the situation as I was able to find forgiveness. It’s incredible how much lighter I feel!

I also had an amends made to me that I honestly never thought I’d get. I thought I’d let the situation go and thought I had moved through it, knowing I would not get an apology for what transpired and I truly accepted that. Holding out hope for that was something I knew would keep me sick-it isn’t my job to do their inventory. I looked into my own lane instead and made an amends to myself for it. I never ever expected the day would come I’d actually recieve an amends from them. When it actually came, I bawled and released SO much more! It was very emotional for me. Something had triggered that ick to bubble back up to the surface this week, which allowed me to stop ignoring it and this gave me a new opportunity to release it on a whole new level. That’s what these icky feeling things are for me. When the ick and old resentments bubble up, it’s a new opportunity for me to heal. But I had no idea it bubbling up would ultimately lead to me actually getting an amends made to me. To be on the receiving end of that is definitely different and was very emotional for me. Forgiveness is a huge theme this week for me. Along with speaking my emotions out loud and not holding them all inside anymore.

So, here I am, soon to be 4 years into my sobriety and turning 40 in a week yet am now learning how to process and speak about my crappy feeling emotions. I am still learning new things every day thanks to my recovery and my sobriety. It’s a gift and I am blessed beyond belief for this life and these lessons. I’d rather learn them late than never and my program of recovery has made all of this possible. :pray::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Day 1457.

I’ve got some things rattling around in my head this morning so I just want to get them out into the open to be able to really sit with them and this is where I was drawn to do that.

Today is my ex-boyfriends birthday. We met as kids, but when we met we just CONNECTED. I’d never had a connection like that before. We truly clicked and we were best friends. Because the love only grew over the years, we tried to date when I was 16. It didn’t go well. We both had similar childhoods and once the line was crossed, our dynamics totally changed and we weren’t healthy together anymore. But the love was strong so we tried again a few times-it always ended the same. Thankfully we were always able to remain friends because we loved each other so much, no matter what that looked like we always wanted the best for each other. When I had my son, he immediately came up to see him and love on him. He was with me at my brother’s wedding. He walked 16 miles in a snowstorm to come see me for an hour one time. We spent countless hours together, laughing, crying, singing, writing poetry together, playing music, riding or walking around town, and just pouring our hearts out and just living life together. He joined the carnival as an employee after I had my son and he traveled a lot. What he used for numbing his childhood didn’t work anymore and as time went on and he found his way to heroin. He had stopped a few times but always found his way back to it eventually as he wasnt interested in truly working on his recovery. He finally decided he’d had enough and was coming home into a rehab and decided he wanted to have one last hoorah. It was his last, he was found dead on a street out of state from an overdose. It took his sister quite some time to find out what happened after making many phone calls to jails and hospitals trying to find him when he didn’t show up. I’m thinking of him very much the last few days, we had always celebrated out birthdays together since we had met where they were 2 days apart. His always sorely missed but a little more this time of year.

I also had another uncle pass away last week. This is my 5th uncle in less than 5 years dying from lung cancer. This makes me think about the parallels between these addictions. We sometimes think heroin is so much worse than smoking so that’s “acceptable” because it’s legal. Yet I’m burying a 5th uncle way too young from it. Sure, heroin may take us faster, but smoking is still an addiction that wants to kill us. I compare it to even food too as sugar shuts down my body too. It all leads to a miserable road of suffering no matter what the addiction is. Shopping. Gambling. Sex. Food. Smoking. Drinking. Drugs. Etc etc etc. It’s really no different at all, even if it looks it on the surface. It’s ultimately all the same-it all leads to suffering.

This was my first birthday with no birthday cake. I specifically asked my family to NOT do anything with sugar when I went home for a few days. I’m trying to do better and let my body be as healthy as I can make it now. It’s been a process to arrive here over the last several years, letting layer after layer of my addictions go over time. Progress, not perfection. But I can see how much suffering I’ve endured due to addictions on some level for my entire life. I’m thankful today that I can do something different. That I have the awareness, a program and people I can turn to. I don’t have to suffer through life, I can really change things to actually ENJOY it and not run from it. Many are not that fortunate. I am feeling overwhelmingly blessed today. And yet still sad at the same time for those I’ve lost to their addictions along the way. It’s bittersweet. It’s emotional. But I’m thankful I get to feel these feelings and honor them all today too instead of running from them. And I get to honor my loved ones as well today. I pray their souls rest in peace. :heart:


I came across this today at 4:44. :partying_face: I’ve been seeing repeating 4’s alllllllll day today. Even the image number has 444 in it in my photo upload text.

Today I did more energy release work with the Emotion Code, pretty incredible stuff! I’ve also noticed I’ve built up strength already the last few weeks of working out-my wood process of bringing it down my hill, throwing it in the basement and then carrying it across the room and stacking it is getting way easier. Yoga is helping too, so are the daily challenges. My paleo food plan feels pretty easy too at the moment. I think my hard work IS paying off and this next layer of leveling up arrived right on time. :heart:

None of this would have been possible without my sobriety. My recovery is a true gift that just continues to keep on giving. :love_you_gesture:


Day 1472.

I try to follow my inner guidance as it comes in the best I can these days. The last month or so, spirit keeps nudging me about relationships. I’d been brought many opportunities that were not what I wanted-it was old energies that I didn’t want back. I truly feel like we are given opportunities to re-wire ourselves and take different actions to show we are ready for the new as time goes on. To release the old and make space for the new. So as I’ve done that, spirit says ok you’re ready for the new. I disagreed lol. I’m honestly rather content in my life!

On 3/3 I was guided to write down the qualities of a person I’d prefer. I was sure that would never happen, but I wrote it out anyway. Well, he arrived last week and I’m still trying to stay out of my own way. The signs are undeniable as are the characteristics that match exactly what I wrote down. Yet, even after 4 years of working on my recovery, I’m still not sure I’m really ready to date. I heard this week that we can not repair our relationships issues all on our own, we must be in relationships to heal those old patterns. He’s in the exact same spot as I am in his healing journey and neither of us have really had healthy relationships. We both have extremely similar childhood issues. We’ve been able to communicate extremely well about them and discuss very openly where we both are at. It’s already such a healthy connection. Similar experiences. Similar backgrounds except I’m more on the energy healing side and he’s on the mental health side. It’s actually a little mind blowing!

I know that there is much to learn and heal within ourselves in this connection if I stay open to it. My heart agrees, my mind says buuuuuutttttt what if it goes totally south? Even if it does, I know I would have learned more. But that wisdom still doesn’t take the fear out of it lol. Fears are very powerful things! As my sponsor says, this is where the rubber meets the road. Do I follow my guidance, the greater wisdom and trust where I am being guided to go or do I let my fears dictate my life and turn away something that’s good for me and will help me expand?

This is something that actually reminds me of becoming sober. Inside I knew I needed to quit but I was so scared of changing my life and not drinking. The life I was living was literally killing me, but I was still so scared to leave behind the only life I’d ever known. Doing something different has been the best thing I ever could have done for myself. So, in writing this out I have decided what course of action to take. Wish me luck as I walk this new path. It can scary, but it’s also the way to the light. And the right light sure can make things beautiful. :heart:


Day 1500.

The last few weeks have been a little rough, I have slept more than ever as I fought off covid but I’m finally over the hump it seems as today’s my first day with no nap. Yay! :heart:

In my last update I discussed the potential of dating. That idea lasted a few days. Spirit lead me there to again show me how much healing from my past I hadn’t released. He had many great qualities and was exactly what I was looking for in those aspects, however he also had all of the old patterns within him that I had yet to release and heal from. Connecting allowed me to bring these to the surface though. There was so much I had forgotten about in my past from burying it down so much. I began doing a lot of root Chakra work with these realizations thanks to some information i recieved in a meditation and I cut the ties within days to that connection due to personal safety concerns. It’s brought a lot to the surface and that has continued to while healing from covid. My root chakra has held a lot of trauma from not being safe. It is our survival center. It effects my instincts, survival instincts, fears, safety, my fight or flight mechanism and even my weight. I had no idea what I still held on to until it bubbled to the surface. For this I am thankful! I’m never led somewhere on accident. Even if it’s not the reasons I think, I’m given healing and options. Am I going to repeat the same things or repair and do things differently? Thanks to my recovery program, my awareness in sobriety and my sponsor, I get to make different choices today for different results. It’s powerful! My recovery goes far beyond just sobriety for me.

Accepting life on life’s terms wasn’t easy these last two weeks. I very much thought I should be doing many other things besides sleeping. I was just getting going on so many new ideas coming in. I normally work 2 jobs daily. Work on my recovery and healing. I’m attending a class. I put out several pieces of daily content. Communicate with others to help them on their path. Etc etc etc. All of that had to wait for me to start feeling better. Even my home chores had to wait.

I am a work in progress and I truly feel I will be until it’s time to leave this earth. But I am so thankful for this!! It’s expanding me in new ways all the time. I was so numbed before my sobriety and my recovery. Today I get to truly LIVE in all aspects without running. For this, I am a grateful recovering alcoholic. :heart:


Hi Mandi! It’s good to hear that you’re feeling better from Covid. You seem very demanding with yourself, try not to be not too tough on yourself, health comes first!
Congratulations on 1500 days by the way!! What an achievement! :clap:t2::tada:

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Thank you! One day at a time I got here and I’m grateful for that. :heart: It’s funny because you’re totally right, the last few months I’ve upped my activity a lot on many levels but it took me becoming sick to realize just how much. I do all of this from home primarily so it didn’t really feel like I was doing a lot-it added up for sure. I needed to slow down again and remember all work and no play makes Mandi a sick girl. :two_hearts:

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Glad to hear you’re feeling better, Mandi. But don’t overdo it though with carrying firewood and stuff. Nothing wrong with taking naps while you’re healing. Sending you positive vibes.

Holy cow?! 1500 days is fantastic!!
Congratulations!! :partying_face: :tada:


I’m still giggling to myself from your comment. I totally had to carry wood in last night as today is a storm day with hail and snow, but I just threw it down in the basement and am carrying it to the woodstove as needed instead of stacking it all. I’m listening the best I can and leaving allllllllll the rest for now! :heart:

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It’s been cold and snowing in NJ and I thought about you when I was carrying wood in yesterday. I’m feeling well but I was tossing it out of anger that winter just won’t leave. :joy: I was thinking I don’t know how the hell Mandi is doing this while healing from covid. Rest up!

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Ahhh yes!! You aren’t that far from me, I’m ready for spring hiking soon! No more winter allowed lol. Take care lady! :heart:


OOOOOooooooo this thread yaaaaaaassss Love it!!!

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Thank you Mandi I am on a really wonderful journey right now and this is where my heart and head has been this last week… learning more and looking forward to what comes up here. I Love this thread​:pray:t2::call_me_hand:t2:

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Grateful to know you Mandi! Big congrats on 1500. Bigger hugs still just for you being you. Glad you’re getting better. You’ll find your balance. X


Day 1555.

My higher power is truly incredible. I’m SO thankful for my sobriety and I wanted to share a little story.

Yesterday, I had to do a very hard thing. It was time to end the suffering of my best kitty friend who I had for 19 wonderful years. This was not at all an easy decision but I was shown time and time again that her day to say, “see you later” had clearly arrived.

Less than 12 hours before our appointment, I got myself together and made it to my meeting that I wanted to skip-those are the days I know I need it more than ever. So I went. In that meeting, we had a speaker who I had never heard before speak, he said he had no idea what he was going to say. And then spoke immediate about how the hardest thing he ever had to do sober was say goodbye to his beloved pet 6 years prior but he was able to do so sober. My higher power speaks through others. I thought about the last time I had to do this. It was also 6 years ago. I was no where close to sober. I was running from my emotions. I was depressed, couldn’t handle life and spent most of the next 6 months in bed as often as possible.

As I woke up in the morning, I prayed. I asked to be shown the way, like I always do. And sign after sign came that I was doing the right thing that morning and on the way to the vets. Angel numbers popped up, Angel clouds arrived in the sky, Angel wings showed up on a song I was listening to at the same time I saw those clouds, a car in front of me had a sticker that said “love” but the “o” was a pawprint. My old girl didn’t complain once about the ride, that was abnormal for her and another sign she knew it was time. She was purring, happy and loving instead. It was a very positive, peaceful and very smooth transition for her.

After I left the vets, I went to the ocean. Salt water always heals my soul. I KNEW that morning I would see a rainbow as I made my daily post that included a rainbow bridge poem. When my Buddy boy passed 6 years ago, I had a few friends send me rainbows they saw too. I expected that to happen again. This time, not only did my friends see their own rainbows during the day, I got this incredible gift less than an hour after my girl passed.

This photo truly does it no justice. This is not modified at all, it was SO brilliant and vibrant. I had never seen anything like this before and immediately I knew this was her coming through from that rainbow bridge. There was no rain, no reason to have a random rainbow pop up, other than I needed that message.

My higher power works in beautiful ways. I got home and it was totally sunny, yet raining. I later went for a walk in the woods and I was completely surrounded by butterflies flying around every step I took. The lightening bugs came out yesterday so I got to see magical lights flickering all around my yard last night. I asked for signs to know I was on track and I got them all day. Even on the hardest days, I was able to find peace thanks to my sobriety and my connection to my higher power. I’m blessed. I’m thankful. And I’m going to keep doing this work for different results in my life. Being able to have that when I needed it most is a true gift. :heart:

I hope this finds you well my friends, hugs to you all!


Just beautiful. What a testament to sobriety and the very real presence of something beyond the tips of our noses.


This is the first post I read today and it’s absolutely beautiful. The signs you got couldn’t be any clearer. Thank you for sharing, RIP Kitty. :heart:


They have glitter gel pens too. Saw them on Amazon. So cool

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