Marijuana instead of alcohol

Working aa and having a higher power has helped me get through anxiety as has having a healthy diet and lifestyle, healthy relationships, things to feel good about. This is from someone who at some points in his life was plagued by anxiety it caused me to do all sorts of crazy things bite jokes in my lips and cheek linings, spit in my hand like 20x a day to check for blood etc. drugs and ignoring the core issues only ever prolonged it and or made it worse.

Working aa hard out like five plus meetings a week has given me confidence that helped with anxiety but it’s taken a long time and always going to be an ongoing process

Great plan for the exercise routine. Mainly the routine part it will help make you tired as well. Also as I stated I used medical cannabis and I didn’t want to vape. I told the pharmacists and doctors about my alcoholism and they stilled prescribed the tinctures. This had small but heavy alcohol in them to quicken the release of the cbd/thc. This was my problem I would take the droplets then blow into a breathalyzer it would read .2. Wait a minute or two and I would blow 0’s again. I bring this up mainly because it raises my awareness to alcohol ultimately causing a relapse to alcohol within a month. Keep at recovery thing. It has paid off in space for me.

I wish that it were as simple as a magic pill. I’m positive everyone here would same-day ship it to you if there were lol.

I think by asking yourself and us all these questions you’re building yourself a solid foundation to stand on moving forward. I was reading your posts and to help with your decision making and anxiety I think you’ll find what you’re looking for if you keep trying new things like you have. Not all new things work but they are great/time consuming to try… before you know it 3 days will have passed… then 3 more.

I had an incredible amount of stuff to do that I kept burying in drugs and alcohol… for who knows how long. (huge source of anxiety) Slowly as you chip away at all these things relevant to you it might ease that grip.