Massive relapse again

Back again !
Back to drinking and realising im doing it due to being unhappy and trying to avoid situations.
Ready to get some support again this network is brilliant but there is only I that can achieve.
I remember doing 6months ans felt amazing dont even know why i started back.
My weight gain is ridiculous.
Baxk into the gym and doing this for myself


Are you doing anything different? Had a look at meetings or anything?


No i know why im doing it to block out my feelings need to fight them head on as i cant keep living the way i am


Maybe fighting your feelings is not the best way to handle them. Did you try therapy or any support group settings to develop healthy ways to deal with emotions and living life on life terms? Reading a lot to educate myself on my issues helped me a lot to understand myself better and be kind and compassionate to myself instead of bashing and fighting my demons and feelings. ODAAT


ODAAT you can do it. Make an honest list of your reasons and keep looking at them. Check on here as much as you can for the accountability. :hugs:


What is making you so unhappy? Vent it all out…we are all here for you, i agree with @erntedank that you dont need to fight your feelings but work through them…its ok to not feel ok sometimes… you dont have to escape/run from them down a bottle…i know with myself i got so used to doing just that id actually forgotten at times what i was even trying to escape from…you can do this you know, sending some big love and hugs your way…i totally understand what your going through :people_hugging: :heart:


Not sure fighting the feelings head on is the best way.

Would suggest that if you try and fail in recovery that you look for other things to get you in the right direction

good luck

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I fought feelings for decades…always ended up at the end of and empty bottle…Maybe semantics here, but…feel your feelings. Learn how to process them. Drinking is a choice, not a function of feelings.

I was active here, i lived on here in the beginning…i learned from everyone…read every thread, participated…

Reach out if you need help