
I’m addicted to maturation and I fell like it’s so wrong and I’m not sure why I keep doing it.

Anyone addicted? Like wtf is wrong with me.


Here are some people who may be in the same struggle as you.


Thanks but turns out it didn’t help as much as I hoped. But honestly thank you for trying.


You’re welcome. Wish I could help more. Good luck


There are more addicted to pmo over here . They’ll chime in when reading :slight_smile:


What is pmo?


Porn, Masturbation, Orgasm.

If you search this forum on PMO (the magnifying glass right on top) you’ll find a lot of topics on it.


Hey there!

I’m a female, addicted to PMO (short for porn, masturbation and orgasm).

I’ve struggled with it for years, but there were some years in between when wasn’t in active addiction.

I’d say that for me, it’s a substitute for intimacy, which I crave. I’m learning not to use it as a source to fulfil that intimacy. The “high” that I got from it only lasted for few minutes, and as soon as I was done, the shame and guilt would just flood in.

I’ve also tried SLAA, which is sex and love addicts anonymous, works similar way than AA, there’s the 12 steps, and I would also work with a sponsor. There are many reasons, why I’m not in the program at the moment, but I can recommend it still. I also connect with people here. There aren’t many of us females (or who identify as a female) who struggle with PMO, but if you want, you can private message me!

You’re in a good place! I wish you well, and hope we can connect! :yellow_heart:


Whether you’re a brother or a sister, we’re all in this together. You’re welcome to join our fire if you feel comfortable doing so. I’ve been in recovery for six months, struggled with PMO for almost twenty years.

Here if you need me dear sister :fire: