Maybe I've Found My People

Hey guys,

I’m pretty happy that I found this app. Honestly if I had to recount how it happened or the thoughts that led to the search in the Play Store I don’t think I could tell you. So far, I feel hopeful. I’ve never been to a meeting but I’ve tried finding help in forums on Reddit. I know, I know.

I didn’t drink every day and in fact, while I was married I went months at a time without drinking any. But I still loved alcohol. When my marriage ended I of course drank a lot more (practically every weekend anyway) and sometimes it wasn’t a problem. The majority of time even, except then the big one would come. A night out with friends would get out of control and a blackout would come from nowhere. For days I would live on edge trying to remember the events of the night. I’m not going to do that anymore. I can’t handle the anxiety. So unfortunately, that means I can’t drink at all because it will eventually lead to that terrible morning of waking up and scrambling for my phone to check the history and/or my wallet to see how much money I spent. This probably sounds sugar coated and that’s because it is. Truthfully, I’m afraid there will come a time when something worse happens and I end up in a hospital or a funeral home.

So thank you for being here.


And right in your pocket, whenever you need, how convenient?!?!


Hey there -

Thanks for saying hi. I definitely found my people here. Just about everyone on here knows that feeling of dread when you wake up and have no idea what happened the night before. There is a ton of information here in the older threads - just use the search bar for whatever you would like to read about. There are also a lot of really wise folks who have fought their addictions and lived to tell a happier story. Stick around! We’re a pretty friendly bunch, and we’ll help you in any way we can.


Not even that long ago…

Phone a friend!


I couldn’t help but have a grin over that one though. Thank you! On Friday night I sure am frequenting Sober Time instead of hanging out at the brewery.


Now I’m a sober hippie dancing outside in nature and I still get tree in my hair… and I still refuse to take off my heels…


I felt the same way after a couple weeks in AA.

And I guess the people here are kinda ok too :joy:

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Y’know, thanks to you and @Becsta, I wanna get to a meeting and see some of these “real” people I hear so much about. But @Insperation isn’t wrong. This “meeting” is always open (blessing and a curse! :rofl: ), and not so many actual meetings around here as I’d thought there’d be.


Honestly, I’m shocked at the number of really good friends I’ve made in AA and NA. I really thought people would be nice and all, but that I wouldn’t hang out with them all that much. Now I hang out with someone from the program pretty much every day. And we do normal stuff. We don’t just sit around and talk about the big book.


You’ll find a great bunch of people people here.
All varieties of experiences . But the one thing they all have in common is they Care. I only found them 16 days ago, but I feel like they’re my family now :sunglasses: