Me again! Sorry!

As a few of you know I’m paranoid about my relationship following my latest drama, my partner is sticking by me but has been distant, understandably. He’s just given me a big hug and said “stop trying to make me happy, worry about you and I’ll worry about myself”
Thoughts on this? Sorry, I’m so paranoid xx


Sounds like sound advice to me. Learn to properly take care of yourself, in an adult, healthy way that is, and all the rest will follow. Just like we say that we should be sober for ourselves, not for our spouses, kids, family, career, whatever. We’re in it together but we do it for ourselves first and foremost. :people_hugging:


Makes perfect sense, thank you


My sober journey has helped me really learn to love, respect and accept myself as I am and where I am. Sobriety has taught me humility and compassion for myself and others. Learning to truly focus on my self and my sobriety and healing was key to sobriety and getting healthy and building self esteem and love. I think it is hard to heal when we don’t love our selves.

We are each deserving of love and a healthy life. Sobriety and recovery can be a journey to healing the self.

Your partner was offering wise advice, focus on healing your self. Your worthiness is not dependent on what someone else thinks of you. :people_hugging::heart::people_hugging:


I was able to make progress in my recovery when I was able to accept reality as it is without coloring it with my past regrets or my fears about the future. Right now, you are with your partner and he is supporting you. Full stop.

In AA, I don’t hear this so much anymore, but it remains true. It speaks of the consequences of an active faith in a higher power.
All is well and all shall be well.


So true! :sweat: It’s so tough to learn to love ourselves when we’ve never been good at it, or never felt worthy. Any tips? Practice, practice, practice, I’m sure.


This sounds very much like being present. I like this a lot.

@Salty, self love for me comes from a place of forgiveness for my past and compassion for being human and all that entails. We are all just humans, doing our best, with the tools we have, in this moment. :people_hugging:

Letting go of the past, letting go of the narrative of who we are (a hopeless drunk) and nurturing hope and kindness within myself. Being kind to the hurting human I am. :people_hugging::heart::people_hugging: