Medication to stop drinking?

I’ve been hesitant to ask this…but has anyone here been prescribed meds to help curb the desires and urges to drink? If so, what have you thought of them?

I’m taking Gabapentin for my restless legs at night. I was thinking about stopping it but after hearing what you just said about decreasing your urge to drink I think I’ll take a little extra just kidding I’ll stay on the prescribed dosage


I’m also on Naltrexone. It’s been a week now and it’s incredible how my desire to drink has all but gone. My doctor assured me that I could wean off the alcohol with this medication, but when I tried to drink I became horribly nauseated. So I haven’t even tried since the first day. After a few days of adjusting to the meds I feel incredible.

That’s great! I’m willing to stay on it for a while, considering I’m only a week into my sobriety. Like you, I won’t turn down any help! Keep rocking it! :grinning:

I was given thiamine to help me decrees the chances of brain damage while going sober, I was given mirtazapine which is a sedative antidepressant but would cause me to be quite sick if I drank or took other drugs

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