Meditation for Serenity 2021-2024! (tips, tricks & discussion/ 3 years running woot!)

If you download the insight timer app you can search anything you like and a time. So “morning 5 min” will bring up meditations like this.

Welcome in, I am super glad you decided to join us. :sparkles:


I’ve meditated guided by Chelsea Pottenger on insight timer repeatedly. I find her voice and pace really suit me. I just tried this for the first time and it had a powerful effect on me.


Good EARLY morning fellows!
So proud I did my formal sit 15min body scan and choiceless awareness. Zoned in and breathed into my back pain(from shovelling wet snow ! : ( )
Ty for keeping this thread alive guys :+1:
I found a real gem here me thinks ,check it out :

Blessings to yous :arrow_right: Pure Beings
‘Thats just theway it is right now’


Last night👆
First thing this morning with my Daisy cat. :point_down:

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Did 2 meditations today. A 3 minute morning meditation which is one of my favorites. And then this one:

This is part of a 7 day course called “Stop Holding Yourself Back”. I missed the actual dates for the course on Insight Timer so am playing them back now. Realized during the meditation that my biggest goal right now is deepening relationships. Not just with my family but also with myself. Interesting meditation :woman_in_lotus_position:


This one goes good with your gratitude today Stella. Your gratitude inspired me to get some love instead of my grief and loss.

It wasn’t all a meditation I guess it was a talk and then a meditation.

It worked extra well with a cat on my lap :kissing_cat:

Nice to see you Dana. @Butterflymoonwoman
I hope you are well. Now that you got your 1 year I’m not checking the check in thread as much. :slightly_smiling_face: But I see you and your new avatar. Love it. Be well my dear friend. Just wanted to give you a shout out in a small quiet place.
:pray:t2: :butterfly: :heart:


Thank you Eric for ur message :smiley: I am doing well actually, how are you? I do check in daily on the check in thread but dont post a whole lot anymore… not like i used to. Not that im isolating or anything, its just im sensing a shift in my life. Ever since my one year came and went i have sort of felt more of pull to be quieter lol just trying to focus on more positivity, more calmness and peacefulness. So ive been wanting to focus more on the gratitude thread (which i still need to do) and then more on meditation. So u may seen more of me on these 2 threads in the future :slight_smile:


Not a fan. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: But it put me out GOOD :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: I’m just not use to that kind of meditation or whatever. But I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I got 7 solid uninterrupted hours of sleep. :pray:t2::zzz::pray:t2::zzz::pray:t2::zzz::pray:t2::zzz:


Did the 2nd day of the 7 day program Stop Holding Yourself Back. Today was on Toxic Habits.

During visualization of who i want to be, i discovered some toxic habits of thongs that i do that are holding me back from being the person i want to be.

  1. Phone usage
  2. Toxic relationship with food
  3. Holding onto emotions that do damage for me such as anxiety, worry, stress, overwhelm
  4. Being impatient
    I gave myself permission to let these go. Will be working on 1 at a time :slight_smile:
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This was a nice afternoon meditation different than what i usually find myself attracted to.


It was hard to find.

Being part of a series I guess.
I think it was too good. It put me right out. I don’t remember a darn thing. But I think my brain needs that with the emotional rollercoaster I’ve been on. I’ll try again. Maybe in the morning.


I did listen to this finally on my walk. They had some good links in the podcast. You can also read about it on their website.



Yah you did. My intuition tells me you will be back for more.


Started the day with this

Now later I am feeling very anxious about our trip. I’ll try this.

Feeling a little better.


Just did this. Highly recommend


I sat with this at dusk yesterday for my dear friend Bianca,she’s back in the hospital with heart issues. It is short and calmly powerful


Thanks again @Cjp
Woke up at 3:45 with a headache I thought I’d put this one on straight away. I couldn’t get back to sleep but it helped a lot. Maybe I got a couple of :zzz: :zzz:



I love Kenneth’s voice.


I love the music on this one. I love the message. But I wish she’d slow down. But that’s ok. Totally worth it. :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: