Meditation for Serenity 2021-2024! (tips, tricks & discussion/ 3 years running woot!)

Day 1 for me. Meant to get to it. Never finished the other one :grimacing:


I am still on day 2 hahah, wtf, am I losing track of days?

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Im having de ja vue…

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Was this it? @Its_me_Stella
Close enough.

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Still can’t find the one you recommended :pray:t2: :grimacing: :pray:t2:

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This one by Tess is the one I have shown you before. Tara is always great too…

I have fallen behind on these… grateful that they dont need to be finished by a certain day.


Sunday night.

Monday night.

And a quickie before I go meet my friend.

It was so short and sweet I did it twice. Definitely one of my faves. It brought me back to a recovery prayer meeting in Guatemala the first time. Like a dream I wanted to go back but couldn’t quite get there the second time round.


It was a 3 meditation kind of a night. Slept off and on. But I feel good. So grateful for Insight Timer.


Third to stop the hamster wheel at 3:30 am

Currently I feel like I had a good night sleep.
Or I got some amazing fucking coffee.


Haha thats what I do too. Glad you feel well rested. :relieved:


Hi Mel :heart:

What helped me most in the begining was doing meditations with my eyes open. Focusing on a candle, incense smoke, or image seemed to be the only way I could stay one minded in the begining. Short meditations more often also helped. Meditation has improved my exsistence, no question about it. Glad you’re here. xxx


Tip # 1
Not beating myself up because I couldn’t do it “right.”
Thoughts kept coming into my head. I use to think I can’t do this.

I know you’re all hockey. But I’m basketball. It’s like practicing free throws. I had to keep practicing.

And one time I heard a guided meditation where the guy said, just let those thoughts come in. Because they will. And then get back to focusing on your breathing.

Insight timer has so many options that if I hear a voice or a drum beat I don’t like right away I’m out! I go look for another one.

And the last thing is. I fall asleep a lot doing the guided meditations. My meditation therapist, (ya a had a meditation therapist) simply said, you must of need the rest. And it’s still working subconsciously.

Good luck


I’m sleeping like I’m dead these day. Just so exhausted.
Started off with this to make sure I slept well again.

Lately though I wake up in the middle of the night and that hamster wheel in my mind is going 90 mph. It never stood a chance last night as I put this on on immediately at 3 am

Worked like a charm. It took awhile. But I wasn’t going anywhere at 3 am but :zzz::zzz::zzz:


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Last few evenings I have been doing a Nidra meditation to go to sleep. I find that I sleep pretty well through the night which has been great.



I am so happy you got a lot out of this course, I am definitely going to start it over when I feel less scattered. Ty for sharing your experience with us.


Binaral beats for cats for the win. kitten is asleep purring away and I feel doubly at Peace, see what I did there :wink:


A great one for on the plane.