Meditation for Serenity 2021-2024! (tips, tricks & discussion/ 3 years running woot!)

My plan was to start a day with Morning Practice by Davidji but I knew I won’t have 25min of peace unfortunately so I did this one instead

Good morning folks


Sounds like a challenge.
I can do 28 days right? I got to get out of this end of year Christmas funk.

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I needed a quickie this afternoon after walks, workouts, therapy, and family FaceTime.

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Thought I’d try this last night for fun. When I rode the trains in London home after work I’d fall asleep and miss my stop :grimacing: could’ve been the pub :blush: but that train rocking and noise and rain was there too.

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So good and short I had to do it twice.

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A gorgeous much needed 10 minute adjustment

I have been listening to Self love and boundaries mediatations still. @Soberbilly tried to text and call months ago it feels like but my phone plan does not cover international calls and texts. As you may have noticed I haven’t been active anywhere but the occasional gratitude post, hope you are well.

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It worked :blush:

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I am love
Aham Prema is a sanskrit mantra reminding us our true nature: ‘I am love’ or ‘I am Divine Love’. It has the power to open up and clear the heart, healing and awakening uncontidional love and acceptance towards oneself and others.

:sparkles: :pray: :sparkles:

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Nice. Hopefully I can remember to check that one out. Been learning a lot about love lately.

Life wasn’t confusing and I didn’t need calming. But I just love this mantra. Pretty handy on the plane for two :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:

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This must have been good last night :zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz::zzz:

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I am holding onto hope.



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After counting the days from my first post, I actually did 34 days in a row of this.


I hadn’t done this one for awhile.
Holy shit :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: so powerful.
Ya I started balling :sob: uncontrollably. I don’t even know why. I just went with it.

When did we start the mantra challenge. Was it last year? @Its_me_Stella

I just realized, when we did start the chanting or mantra thingy, i was doing it to survive. It was so helpful :pray:t2:

I am realizing I can do it to live. I think I’ll be spending the next 28 or so revisiting the mantras. Probably a great time for the full moon mantra too.

Just doing this one was so moving. WOW :open_mouth:


Yeah it was last year. I think you can “redo” the challenges.


I thought maybe last January but I couldn’t find it. Nah. I’m happy with the ones I got. Looking forward to them to start my day.

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