Meditation for Serenity 2021-2024! (tips, tricks & discussion/ 3 years running woot!)


I am considering taking some breathwork teacher training. :thinking:


I didn’t NEED to listen to this last night before bed. But I really wanted too.
Something about that really makes me feel good.

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I remember when I first suggested it to you. I am glad you came around to it, it seems like you really needed it in your life. :sparkles::white_heart::sparkles:

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Perfect after an EXHAUSTING hour of therapy. I was wiped out.


Went to bed too early. Didn’t want to take any chances. Unfortunately I had to wake after an hour and a half and well you know……but I had no idea where I was. I was out very deeply. But I got to finish it as it’s a long one.

Unfortunately again I woke at 3 wide awake :scream:
So I put this one on.

It helped and made it til 5:30 wake up.


Best 6 minutes ever.


After lunch meditation


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A new course I am starting this morning ~ I hope everyone is well. Insight Timer - #1 Free Meditation App for Sleep, Relax & More




I am going to check this out at 9 am PST if anyone else is interested in a live event. :heart:
@Dazercat I think you liked this teacher from the mantra challenge.


I love her :heart:

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On the plane

Back home for bed.

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I love this one

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This was very nice.

I live Paz

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I still haven’t meditated, since September 26th. I need to drop that “fear.” I do miss it but for whatever happened, and/or I went through, I have been avoiding it. Hmmmm…


Check out the beginners stuff. Or just look for a 1 or 2 or 3 minute one. Do it once a day if you find one you like. And see what happens.
No pressure. They got so many options.


This one was HUGE for me. More of a talk with a short meditation at the end. I cried through most of it because I take things so personally. Especially with my loved ones. Especially with my wife. This really hit a nerve :cry:


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Went to bed too early last night and I wanted to make sure I got to sleep.

Worked like a charm.

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Couldn’t wait to listen to this again.
And probably again tomorrow.

My attention span just can’t focus on all 49 minutes. I can only hold take in so much. And there’s a lovely 5-7 minutes meditation at the end.

Working my meditation ass off on this one.


Wanted to make sure I slept last night.

Sure did :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: