Meditation for Serenity 2021-2025! (tips, tricks & discussion/ 4 years running woot!)

Hmmm, I’m not sure. I was premium for a couple of years and I just cancelled that because I seem to be doing more silent mediations now. They did update not too long ago, maybe your settings changed?

I can’t believe it’s almost 2025!!!



I hope everyone is doing well today. Ive been delving into some doaism through the goggles of buddhism and seeing if it helps. I like to use the tool chat gpt to explore some of these ideas. Here’s a useful section of the topic.

II. Daily Practices to Manifest Daoist-Buddhist Empowerment

Here’s how to live out these principles in everyday life:

  1. Flowing with Life Instead of Resisting It (Wu Wei + Right View & Effort)

Morning Practice: Start each day with a simple breath meditation. Breathe in, breathe out—observe without control. This sets the tone for embracing life’s flow.

Throughout the Day: Notice when you’re forcing things—conversations, decisions, outcomes. Step back, breathe, and let solutions emerge naturally instead of through struggle.

  1. Practicing Non-Attachment (Right Intention + Acceptance of Impermanence)

Declutter Your Mind: Once a week, let go of a desire or expectation that’s been weighing you down. Write it down, acknowledge it, then burn or discard the paper.

Observe Nature: Spend time watching water flow, leaves rustle, or clouds shift. Recognize that life moves effortlessly without force—so can you.

  1. Mindful Speech and Action (Right Speech + Right Action)

Pause Before Responding: Before speaking, ask: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?

Move Gracefully: Pay attention to how you move—walk, type, or eat with mindfulness, making every action smooth and deliberate.

  1. Embracing Simplicity (Right Livelihood + Right Concentration)

Simplify Your Space: Keep your home and workspace uncluttered, reflecting the clarity of your mind.

Do One Thing at a Time: When working or eating, focus on just that—no multitasking.

  1. Meditation and Silence (Right Mindfulness + Right Concentration)

Daily Stillness Practice: Spend 5–10 minutes each morning or evening sitting in silence. Just breathe, listen, and be.

Move Like Water: Practice Tai Chi, Qigong, or slow stretching, emphasizing smooth and natural movement.

You don’t own your life—it is an expression of the Dao, unfolding moment by moment.

I have found that this perpective helps me let go and allow my higher power to direct me so i avoid tension, anger, or manic behavoir and provides stability along with a calm perspective even in times of stress.

Take care


Thank you for sharing this!! The Tao has beautiful principles for living life. :sparkles:

There was a phrase that Alan Watts said in one of his speeches rather offhandedly that goes something like

" your life is not your own it is the delegated adaptability of the Dao"

I can’t help but meditate on it and while it might not be as significant as my gut is telling me it is alone i feel like incorperating doaism completes some of the issues ive had with buddhism regarding the soul and such.

Great to see you Sassy, :grinning: i hope you are well


Another pearl from Alan Watts!!

I am also a ‘soul/energy’ person, so I appreciate the perspective/guidance.

I am doing well. Always good to see you as well!



The Pocket Pema Chodron

Why meditate?

WHY do we meditate? This is a question we’d be wise to ask. Why would we even bother to spend time alone with ourselves? First of all, it is helpful to understand that meditation is not just about feeling good. To think that this is why we meditate is to set ourselves up for failure. We’ll assume we are doing it wrong almost every time we sit down: even the most settled meditator experiences psychological and physical pain. Meditation takes us just as we are, with our confusion and our sanity. This complete acceptance of ourselves as we are is called maitri, or unconditional friendliness, a simple, direct relationship with the way we are.


I love that little Gem. :sparkles:

Ty for sharing.