Meeting with potential sponsee

So title kinda says it all, im getting coffee with a newcomer who asked me to be her temporary sponsor. Ive never sponsored before so any advice will be helpful. Im excited but also a bit nervous just cause its new yknow.


You’ve obviously been 12 stepped so do everything you’ve done yourself and use your sponsor for guidance.

Ps… Don’t take it personally if they pick up and don’t take the credit if they stay sober, took me a while to get this.
We are there to help those that are prepared to help themselves.
If I’m ever putting more effort into a sponsees recovery than they are then there is a problem.

Yeah. I was waiting for her to ask me, as ive out my hand up a few times in meetings for “who is willing to be a temporary sponsor?”

Thats a good point. I had a friend of mine in the program whos got 8 years sober, she told me she doesnt chase sponsees. Im gonna try to remember that while i do this

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The best bit is it will keep you sober :+1:and you might make some life time friends along the way. Good luck :slightly_smiling_face::pray:

Update: We are meeting Friday to start step 1

Sponsoring now for decades , i take it you have done the steps with your sponsor , its a good way of helping others through the program wish you well

Someone asked me to be their sponsor recently for drug addiction because I’m just over 5 years clean and I declined for the reason that I haven’t worked the steps and because I’ve been drinking, I’d feel like a fraud. I said I’d be happy to listen but that’s it. I think that if you’re ready to take on a sponsee then you’ll know what to say when the question comes especially as you’ve already worked the steps