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HE DID, I SEEN HIM! lol, I’ve seen half baked way too many times

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Haha, my brother just sent me this…


Omg, that is crazy ! I know it’s so crazy back east. Here you just get shot by the cops. I don’t know why the epidemic has not really hit CA. We have heroin users for sure but the fentanyl shizz has not got here, at least in the way it is for you guys. It’s crazy.

Ud think it would be, a bunch of that stuff comes from Mexico. It’s pretty bad here, I looked at a newspaper standing in line at 7-11 one day and it said 52 people had ODed in 2 weeks and 16 of them died. A bunch of university of Maryland students made a documentary just about the problem in Anne Arundel county and I think the problem is even worse on @anon59060877 's side of the bay bridge, every time I go out that way I see a shit ton of billboards for treatment hotlines.

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Yeah, I know some ppl in Newport news that say it’s pretty rough there, I haven’t stopped lately, just str8 thru to the bridge/tunnel but I’ve stayed with them b4 in the past and they got dopefiend cousins that rob everybody for the stuff too lol

I even googled it because when I was about 2-4 weeks clean all I did was watch documentaries on the opioid epidemic and fentanyl 24 hrs a day. I have a step daughter who 29 and she uses. So scary. Most of the articles even said why hasn’t this effected CA. Especially learning most the F comes from Mexico. Its weird for sure.

Lol, I did the same thing…trying to get a little inspiration. This is the one I was talking about…

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Oh. Haven’t seen that one. I will check it out. Have you seen the TRADE on showtime ? If not it’s worth a watch.

Its because cali they still mostly get tar heroin. as over on the eastside its all in bags n powder.

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Thank you for make me laught!!


So much truth there.





That’s amazing !

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Yessss! I see you’ve been to my parties!


Who is the kid with the accordion? I’m surprised we didn’t all get murdered! Lmao

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